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0024 Fraser Island|“瓜分地球”计划—限时出售的澳洲稀有永久产权私人岛屿

杏彩体育2年前 (2022-12-01)高尔夫球资讯53

原标题:0024 Fraser Island|“瓜分地球”计划—限时出售的澳洲稀有永久产权私人岛屿

关注「岛鸣国际 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


澳洲的岛屿市场上鲜有永久产权岛屿出售,光是塔斯马尼亚岛外约5000个岛屿中只有9个可以完全由私人拥有。本期就分享一座位于该区域附近的永久产权私人岛屿——Fraser Island

There are few freehold islands for sale in Australias island market, and only nine of the 5,000 or so islands off Tasmania alone are fully privately owned. This issue will introduce Fraser Island, one of the freehold private islands located near the area.

Fraser Island位于维多利亚州吉普斯兰湖的东端,属于该湖区的一部分。这个湖入口距离墨尔本约3.5小时的车程。该岛与大陆和90英里长的原始海滩接壤,是维多利亚最静谧美丽的地区之一。 你可以从Kalimna或湖入口码头乘船约10分钟到达该岛, 或是通过适合轻型飞机的飞机跑道。

Fraser Island is located at the eastern end of Gippsland Lakes in Victoria and is part of the Lake District. The lake entrance is about a 3.5 hour drive from Melbourne. Bordered by the mainland and 90 miles of pristine beaches, the island is one of Victorias most tranquil and beautiful areas. You can reach the island by boat in about 10 minutes from Kalimna or the lake entrance jetty, or via an airstrip suitable for light aircrafts.

该岛是一座美丽如仙境的水上生态天堂。岛屿的海滩、白沙滩、翠绿的草木和丰富的野生动物都为其商业开发提供了天然的条件。相较于之前分享过的同样是田园牧歌般的希腊岛屿Trinity Island(0002期;已售出),这座岛屿的面积更大,占地31公顷,因此有更大的想象空间。

The island is an aquatic ecological paradise as beautiful as a fairyland. The islands beaches, white sand, verdant vegetation and abundant wildlife all provide natural conditions for commercial development. Compared to Trinity Island (Issue 0002; sold), a previously shared Greek island that is also idyllic, this island is larger in size at 31 hectares and therefore has much more room for imagination of development.

Fraser Island目前已被开发成一个既可以自用也可以商业化运作的成熟的度假村,并配有一套一流的基础设施,其中包括新升级的太阳能系统,备用发电机,自给自足的净水系统以及太阳能热水器等。你可以在沉浸于绝美的自然风光的同时也享受到现代化便利。

Fraser Island has been developed into a mature resort for both self-use and commercial operation, with a set of first-class infrastructure including a newly upgraded solar system, backup generators, a self-contained water purification system and solar water heaters. You can enjoy modern conveniences while being immersed in the stunning natural scenery.


There is a classic old house on the island, which is elegant and beautiful in its manicured courtyard. The house has 11 bedrooms, two of which are private ensuites. It also features male and female bathrooms, a large dining room that can accommodate more than 30 guests, a wine cellar, a cold room, a laundry room and a kitchen that can help to host a feast. You can also soak up the sun from the wide balcony outside the main house and enjoy the fresh and enchanting scenery. Also not far away from the main house is a separate two-bedroom cottage for the islands caretaker.

岛上的户外活动也很丰富。你可以在住宅周围的9洞球场上打高尔夫球,或者在两个网球场上打网球。附近的游戏室和游泳池,还有一个内置音响系统的露台,以及带燃气热炉和小型木燃披萨烤箱的烧烤区,也是不错的休闲娱乐场地。漫步在风景如画的Fraser Island,你还可以偶遇袋鼠等澳洲特有的动物和丰富的鸟类。

Outdoor activities are also plentiful on the island. You can play golf on the nine-hole course around the house or play tennis on one of the tennis courts. The nearby games room and pool, a gazebo with a built-in sound system, and a barbecue area with a gas hotplate and a small wood-fired pizza oven are also good places to hang out. Walking on the picturesque Fraser Island, you can also come across some unique Australian animals such as kangaroos and abundant birds.

此外,岛上还有一个码头可以停泊一艘50英尺长的大船或四艘约18英尺长的小船。你可以乘坐这些船只或快艇出海钓鱼或是前往周边地区游玩。Fraser Island还非常适合举办婚礼、派对或其他商务活动。不论是室内还是户外,都有足以满足你不同需求的场地供你挑选。

There is also a jetty for a large 50-foot boat or four small boats about 18 feet long. You can use these boats or speedboats to go out fishing or to visit the surrounding areas. Fraser Island is also a great venue for weddings, parties or other business events. Whether indoors or outdoors, there are plenty of venues to suit your different needs.


This one-of-a-kind private island can serve your commercial purposes as well as provide you with peace and quietness away from the world and the epidemic. Recently, this rare freehold island in Australia was briefly put on the island market. The island is currently soliciting expressions of interest until 4pm Australian time on 12 December 2022. If interested, welcome to contact us for further information.


Thanks for your time! Until next time!



0022 Motu Tane|化妆品大亨的法属波利尼西亚私人岛屿出售中

0021 Little Hawkins Island|北美东海岸,可拎包入住的私人岛屿

0020 Whitestone Island|原来幸福是比较出来的,华人的加国岛屿梦

0019 Petra Island | 你猜纽约曼哈顿的心型岛屿+著名建筑师赖特设计的岛屿建筑,报价多少?

0018 Urelapa Island & Tuvana Island| 税收友好、监管宽松的南太平洋私人岛屿投资市场

0017 Royal Island | 市场上唯一一个已同时获得高尔夫球场和码头建筑许可的私人岛屿

0016 The Ridges & Frying Pan Island |既可自住又可投资的永久产权私人岛屿 2


Global Domain 「岛鸣国际」是私人岛屿生活方式的倡导者,致力于提供全球范围内真实有效的私人岛屿销售信息及配套服务。在疫情和地缘政治冲突风险加大的新时代背景下,为高净值人群对资金安全和人身安全的双重需求提出创新性的解决方案。







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