这两天看里约奥运会乒乓球比赛,每次比分出现10分的时候,左下角就会出现game point的字样,而如果一位选手连赢了三局,在第四局还有一分就能获胜的时候,左下角会出现match point的字样。
熟悉比赛的同学们应该都知道,这就是比赛中的“局点”(game point)和“赛点”(match point)。
Ma Long of China eyes the ball during play against Zhang Jike (CHN) of China during Mens Singles Gold Medal of table tennis. Ma Long, China, beat Zhang Jike, China, 4-0. [Photo by Wei Xiaohao/chinadaily.com.cn]
A match is played best 4 of 7 games. For each game, the first player to reach 11 points wins that game, however a game must be won by at least a two point margin. 比赛采取的是“7局4胜制”,每一局比赛中,率先获得11分的选手获胜,两名选手之间的得分差距至少要有2分。
Each player serves two points in a row and then switch server. However, if a score of 10-10 is reached in any game, then each server serves only one point and then the server is switched. After each game, the players switch side of the table. 比赛中,两名选手每人轮流发两球。如果在比赛中两人打到10比10平,就改为每人轮流发一球。每一局比赛后,两位选手要交换场地。
In the final game (ie 7th game), the players switch side again after either player reaches 5 points.在最后一局的时候,有选手拿到5分时,两人交换场地。
一局比赛中,领先的一方再拿下一分就能赢得该局时,发球方发出的这个球就叫“局点”(game point);如果领先的选手已经连赢三局,在第四局的比赛中再拿下一分就能赢得整场比赛的胜利时,发出的这个球就是“赛点”(match point)。
远台 back court
反手削球 backhand chop
中台 middle court
反手抽球 backhand drive
近台 short court
反手扣球 backhand smash
中线 center
反手直线球 back straight
反手弧圈球 backhand loop drive
两面攻、左右开攻 attack on both side
全台 full court
削球 chop
前冲弧圈球 accelerated loop
命中率 accuracy
发球者占先 advantage server
再平分 again
以削球为主的战术 all cut
挥拍的幅度 amplitude of swing
反手斜线推挡 angled backhand block
斜线球 angle shot
调整排形 angle the bat
抽出角度来 angle the drive
发球抢攻 attack after service
攻击型选手 attacking player
进攻作用 attacking role
进攻性发球 attacking service
两面攻 attack on both sides
进攻位置、攻击点、进攻时机 attack point
反手对攻 backhand attack and counter attack
反手斜线球 back cross
反手进攻打法 backhand attacking play
反手连续攻球 backhand attacking rally
发反手下旋球 backhand backspin service
反手推挡 backhand block
左推右攻、右推左攻 backhand block with forehand
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)