2021级新疆学生入校第287天:转眼一周又过半 专心构思早晚赶
2021级新疆学生入校第287天:转眼一周又过半 专心构思早晚赶
2022-06-15 Wednesday周三Sunny晴He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure. —James Lane Allen战胜怀疑与恐惧的人,已经战胜了失败。— 詹姆斯‧莱恩‧艾伦
James Lane Allen was an American novelist and short story writer whose works depict the local culture of Kentucky, including The Kentucky Cardinal. He is known as "Kentuckys first major novelist". 詹姆斯‧莱恩‧艾伦是美国小说家和短篇故事作家,作品描绘肯塔基州的地方文化风情,著作包括《肯塔基红衣主教》,被称为「肯塔基州的第一位重要小说家」。词汇注释:conquered /ˈkɑ:ŋkərd/ v.占领; 攻克; 征服; (尤指比赛、赛跑等中)击败,战胜; (成功地)对付,克服,控制(conquer的过去分词和过去式);doubt /daʊt/ v. 怀疑; 无把握; 不能肯定; 认为…未必可能; 不相信; 不信任;n. 疑问; 疑惑; 不确定; 不相信;fear /fɪr/ n. 害怕; 惧怕; 担忧;v. 害怕; 畏惧; 惧怕; 担心; 担忧; (引出不好的事情)恐怕;failure /ˈfeɪljər/ n. 失败; 失败的人(或事物); 未做,未履行(应做之事); 故障; 倒闭; 歉收。Everything in life happens according to our time, our clock.万事皆有自己的节奏。从昨天布置的完形填空来看,内容是关于梵高绘画风格。他的穷困潦倒,吃不上饭,还要买绘画颜料,内心无比痛苦,却又要在他的绘画作品上表现出积极向上。同时也能看出他内心的悲伤和对命运的抗争。这里有必要提及一下,从提交的作业中,对第9小题的选项,Mira同学把文中最后一句话中的deep blues圈了出来,说明他对完形填空中,有难以确定的选项时,要读到最后,答案才能出来。在做的过程中,遇到这样的情况,一定不要纠结太久,花太多时间,只管继续往下做即可。对我们其他同学来说应该是一个很好的提示。课堂上Snow White同学提出一个问题,说今天的人们站在这两幅作品前,体会到梵高当时的绘画时感受。涉及到experience和accept的选择问题。理解该句意思后,答案也就一目了然了。另外还有,mix ... with,及下文出现的mixture等准确判断出选项。
句子理解:The crazy fans of Jay Chou arrived at the concert hall two hours earlier to take up the front row seats.周杰伦的疯狂粉丝提前两个小时来到音乐厅,占据了前排的座位。解析:take out取出;去掉:So I took out the extra ones.所以我把多余的拿出来了。take off起飞,脱掉:The plane is scheduled to take off at 4.pm.飞机定于下午四时起飞。take on承担,接受,呈现:His face took on an affectionate glow.他的脸上洋溢着热情的红光。take up占据;从事;开始:Do these chores take up a large part of your day?这些家务是否占据了你一天中的很大一部分时间?
善读为王灵感藏Adorable to hide inspiration by enjoy reading
表达钦佩心点亮Notes to express great admiration are lighting
配戴珂玥寓吉祥Generate auspiciousness with jades wearing
律己从严忍自强Emphasize self-discipline to stand tolerating
待人恭谨笑开朗Leave a smile on those who are well treating
足球精彩阿根廷Argentina has a wonderful football team
兴趣爱好卜吉星Determined luck by interest and hobbies
历史事件拉壮丁Male labors in history were employees
上课专注思路清In class the mind for concentration clean
从后移前维持听Remove from back to front listening to keep
话题触及敏神经A sensitive nerve is touched by the topic
师生均赞捷报听List comments from all the members each
伊犁河谷最富饶Valley Ili River is the most fertile
卜句述说薰衣草Inscription about lavender beside
拉伸锻炼身高挑Take exercise to stretch for height
伊朗球队首看好Adorable Iranian team first to like
木工匠人手艺巧Legendaryhandicrafts kept in mind
反复模仿勤推敲Imitate to deliberate for some times
应付自如脑开窍The opportunities to enlighten arise
快速完成及时交You have finished handing in time
嘴巴表达清脆亮Precise to express clearly with mouth open
美丽字体书写畅Lovely handwriting shines all of a sudden
婀娜身姿才艺棒Elegant figure presents in a dancing garden
偶尔思念家人想Apparent thoughts for family on occasion
优秀表现受赞扬Spoken highly of due to an excellent netizen
室外活动互谦让Activities outdoor are in part politely taken
智慧大脑思考忙Nourish brain by busily thinking to deepen
集中精力全面上Totally improve through great concentration
米饭青菜食节俭The recipe of food and dishes eaten is frugal
热爱运动讲安全Reveal favorite sports secure and practical
扎实用功效果翻Indicate diligence has a good effect typical
提高成绩定自然Upgrade in daily learning appears natural
江海碧波景色艳Magnificent coast wave scenery is special
有为理想青少年Promising teenagers in reality prove ideal
才思纵横如涌泉Honorable thinking vertical and horizontal
康庄大道奔前方Roads ahead are broad and wide
春意盎然满希望Out of this world is a hope inside
稀世珍宝即妙想Brilliant ideas are treasures of kind
脑筋急转脱口讲Utter immediately for being wise
灵敏反应底蕴藏Sharp responses with values to hide
活泼宽容笑爽朗Tolerant and lively to laugh bright
海阔天空富想象High sky and broad sea full of imagination
维护荣誉获表彰Acquire an honorable kept commendation
拉动团结相互帮Vivid solidarity by mutual communication
同甘共苦赴理想Enjoy suffering with ideal combination
学以致用乐分享Learning by using is a pleasant passion