International Federation of Association Football
FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022
FIFA World Cup
World Cup Trophy 大力神杯
Official Emblem 会徽
Mascot 吉祥物
Official Match Ball 比赛用球
Host country 东道主 主办国
Opening ceremony 开幕式
Competing nation 参赛国
FIFA World Cup official songs
football kits
足球 football【英】,soccer【美】
球鞋 football cleats/football boots
队服 uniform
球衣 jersey
短裤 shorts
球袜 stockings
护具 pad
鞋钉 stud
哨子 whistle
守门员手套 goalkeepers gloves
football pitch
球门 goal
球场 field/pitch
禁区 penalty area
边线 touchline
中场 midfield
角旗 corner flag
球门柱 goalpost
罚球点 penalty spot
球门线 goal line
记分牌 scoreboard
球门横梁 crossbar
看台/观众席 grandstand
football player
教练 coach
裁判 referee
球童 ball boy
边锋 winger
前卫 halfback
后卫 fullback
前锋 forward/striker
中锋 centre forward
守门员 goalkeeper
中场队员 midfielder
防守队员 defender
进攻队员 attacker
替补队员 substitute/benchwarmer
边线裁判 linesman
运动员阵容 line-up
自由人/拖后中卫 sweeper
头球 head
救球 save
抢断 tackle
助攻 assist
射门 shoot
带球 dribble
进球 score
开球 kickoff
传球 pass
帽子戏法 hat trick
rules of football
犯规 foul
假摔 dive
判罚 penalty
角球 corner
红牌 red card
黄牌 yellow card
警告 caution
点球 penalty kick
金球 golden goal
得分平局 score draw
任意球 free kick
球门球 goalkick
定位球 set piece
加时赛 extra time
伤停补时 injury time
战术犯规 professional foul
阻挡犯规 obstruction
手球犯规 handball
点球决胜 penalty shoot-out
中场休息 halftime
掷边线球 throw-in
停赛/禁赛 suspension
零比零平局 no-score draw
football match
决赛 final
赛季 season
资格赛 Qualification
半决赛 semi-final
循环赛 round robin
淘汰赛 knockout
热身赛 warm-up
预选赛 qualifying game
锦标赛 tournament
世界杯 World Cup
友谊赛 friendly
主场比赛 home match
客场比赛 away match
四分之一决赛 quarter-final
The group of death
During this phase, people often use the expression the group of death to refer to a group that stands out because it has more talented teams than any other.
Adidas Gold Boot
hat trick
在足球比赛中,如果一名队员在点球大战以外的时候,连续三次进球得分(get three consecutive scores),那他就上演了一场“帽子戏法”。
据传,帽子戏法最初出现在1858年,在英国的一场板球比赛中,一名投球手连续三次得分,获得了一项帽子的奖赏,七年后出版的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)中,“疯帽子”(mad hat)能用帽子变出各种戏法。结合这两者,“帽子戏法”的表达就逐渐被用在足球赛事中。
Butter fingers
比如:这个守门员是个”黄油手“,总是接不住球。The goalkeeperis a real butterfingers and always misses the ball.
own goal
“乌龙球”又名“杀人球”,最早源于英语的“OWN GOAL”一词,意为“自进本方球门的球”,后来中国球迷根据这个单词的发音,将其称为“乌龙球”。在粤语中,“乌龙”有“阴差阳错”的意思,且听上去与 own 发音相似,所以在上世纪六、七十年代,香港记者就开始将其翻译为“乌龙球”, 该表达后来慢慢推广,也有了引申义,指的是“影响本身利益的错误行为”。
last-gasp goal
penalty kick
点球,也可称为spot kick,依靠点球所得的进球就称为penalty goal。由于点球是一对一的比赛,所以有一种说法认为我们平时说的PK就是penalty kick的缩写。
iFun Education是一家美国本土
iFun Education长期开设英语阅读理解与写作课程,教学内容紧跟美国小学、初中课程,同时也开设了ESL课程和成人英语。由美国一线在职老师执教,全面提升学员的英语阅读理解和写作的综合能力,帮助学员扩展词汇量、强化口语和听力、学习语法知识。
Our Team
Ms. Jennifer
英语阅读专家,一线老师,15年教学经验,得克萨斯州的 Certificated Teacher,持有ESL教师资格证书。常年与不同等级的英语学习者打交道,对英语阅读理解与写作课程有独到的见解。互动式学习,课堂氛围轻松,带动学员积极参与和主动思考,帮助学员制定科学的学习计划,在短时间内快速提高。
Ms. Jennifer Thompson is a certified teacher in the state of Texas. She has been teaching English, reading, and writing for the last 13 years.
She has experience teaching numerous grades, including kindergarten through eighth and worked as an educator in many capacities also. With 3 years of curriculum planning and professional development experience, Ms. Jennifer knows how to design customized Reading & Writing class for each student with a good performance.
In addition, Ms. Jennifer has worked as a reading specialist, a mentor for other teachers, a department head, and as an English instructional professor over the last 4 years. She has extensive experience working with English language learners over the last 10 years.
Ms. Jennifer has a true passion for working with young learners and she does enjoy helping children progress in all areas of their development, including academically and socially.
Ms. Georgia
拥有14年教育经验的Certified Teacher。在过去的六年里,她一直在美国公立学校和网上教授Reading&Writing、成人英语以及ESL课程。非常熟悉美国K-12基础教育中各个年龄段学生的学习难点和教学重点,拥有小学、初中和高中的教学经验,手握戏剧哲学学士学位 + 教学教育硕士学位,Focus on英语和语言学。为人耐心和蔼,教学功底扎实,深受学员的喜爱。
Georgia Hemrick is a Tennessee-certified teacher who has been an educator for the past 14 years. For the last six years, she has been teaching English as a Second Language in both public schools and online. Previously, she instructed students of all ages in Drama Camps while she directed local and regional plays and musicals.
Ms. Georgia has teaching experience with students in elementary, middle, and high schools, and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre with a minor in Secondary Education, as well as a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (focus on English as a Second Language). Both degrees are from Middle Tennessee State University.
Ms. Georgia loves teaching reading, writing, and English to students of all ages. She adores her students and is always eager to engage and educate him/her at his/her individual level and "stretch" each student to his/her maximum in a fun and stress-free environment.
Ms. Danielle
Danielle Davis
Ms. Danielle is a certified teacher currently living in Northern Virginia. She has over 15 years of experience teaching children in grades PreK through 8th grade. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education with an ESOL endorsement from the University of South Florida and a master’s degree in Education.
During the last 5 years, Ms. Danielle specialized in working with students online in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, reading fluency and comprehension to improve their ability to read, write and speak English. Ms. Danielle is good at instructing students in how to learn. In her study, Ms. Danielle helps students to become independent learners, by giving them the necessary study skills to be able to use and practice their English independently.
Ms. Danielle always says smiling is the same in every language. she always has high energy and enthusiasm. Her class is profound while interesting. Ms. Danielle is expert in creating a positive learning environment and encouraging students focusing on class, and what they learned. Failures aren’t as scary. Ms. Danielle believes practicing, and making errors, is an inevitable part of the learning process.She creates a safe learning environment conducive to trying instead of getting things right. Encourage “failure” amongst your students; its the only way students will get better!
In addition to working with students online, Ms. Danielle homeschooled all three of her children for the last two years in pandemic. She has a love for learning and enjoys helping children reach their full potential. During her spare time, she loves traveling with her family, hiking and cooking.
Ms. Dena
超过20年教学经验,Primary school在职老师,获得TESOL证书、教学硕士和心理学学士学位,熟悉幼儿园到11年级学生的教学工作,学生遍布美国、中国和日本。教授学生英语阅读、写作、SAT、TOFEL、自然拼读、语法等方面的课程。和蔼可亲,热爱艺术,曾获得艺术基础证书。引导学生积极、主动地参与课堂活动和互动学习,并在学习中体验自己的进步和收获快乐。
Dena Brown
Dena Brown is a certified teacher living in Illinois. She has over 20 years’ experience tutoring children in grades Kindergarten through 11th grade. She has acquired a bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a minor in Early Childhood Education, a 120 hr. TESOL Certification, and a Post-Master’s in College Teaching.
During the past 5 years, Ms. Dena has worked as an online teacher and teach children in the areas of Reading, Writing, SAT, TOFEL, Grammar, and Phonics to help students improve reading, writing and conversation skills. She has also taught as a Primary school classroom teacher. Meanwhile, Ms. Dena attended Art Instruction Schools where she acquired a certificate in the Fundamentals of Art. She loves art and enjoys drawing cartoon characters and animals.
Ms. Dena believes learning should be student centered, fun and engaging where students can interact with their peers. This will help students obtain knowledge as they develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills while being a lifelong learner at accomplishing their academic goals.
Ms. Dena enjoys learning new and challenging things.During her free time, she enjoys drawing, reading, programing, watching movies, and spending time with her family and friends.
Ms. Washington
美国一线教师,教育学士学位,获得TEFL的ESL教师资格认证,是一名专业的ESL指导老师。在私立学校、蒙台梭利、和home-school中拥有累计超过 12 年的教学经验,课程涵盖K-9年级。课堂气氛活泼,充满趣味性,常年和不同英语水平的foreign students共同探讨学习,高效地指导学员学懂、学会、学好。
Ms.Washington is a teacher in the state of Georgia. She received her Bachelors in Education from Grand Canyon University in Arizona as well as a TEFL certification which allows her to teach children internationally.
She has over 12 years of experience teaching grades kindergarten through eighth grade in private school, Montessori, homeschool, and online. In her 12 years of experience of teaching, she has also mastered creating fun and engaging lesson plans, developing curriculums, and individualized lesson plans.
She enjoys teaching reading, English, and grammar because it’s the foundation of how students learn to communicate with one another and the world. Speaking and writing effectively can open doors for students with amazing opportunities. In addition, Ms. Washington has worked as a children’s librarian, a learning coach, and a director of an independent homeschool coop.
Ms. Washington is an inspiring and passionate teacher who believes every child can learn if given the right tools and resources. Understanding different learning styles is how she maximizes each child’s learning potential. She is committed to encouraging students through teaching to be their best academically, socially, and emotionally.