FIFA World Cup Trophy
世界杯自1930年举办至今共有过两座奖杯。从第一届到第九届,使用的是雷米特杯(Jules Rimet Trophy)。按照规定,第一支三次赢得世界杯的球队将可以永久保留雷米特杯,1970年,巴西做到了这一点。

Host country

国际足联和卡塔尔公布了2022卡塔尔世界杯足球赛的吉祥物——La’eeb, 中文名是“拉伊卜”,La’eeb在阿拉伯语中意思是“技艺高超的球员(super-skilled player)”,它是青春永驻的,来自“吉祥物宇宙”的产物,希望把足球的快乐带给每一个人。
Qatar and FIFA have unveiled Laeeb as the Official Mascot for this years FIFA World Cup 2022™.
What at first glance has the appearance of a gutra, a cloth headdress worn in Qatar, the mascot is not meant to have a fixed anthropomorphic identity, according to the marketing team that created it.
He belongs to a parallel mascot-verse that is indescribable – everyone is invited to interpret what it looks like. Laeeb encourages everyone to believe in themselves as "Now is All". He will bring the joy of football to everyone.

FIFA World Cup Qualification
206 teams from six confederations began with a dream of reaching the 2022 World Cup.
六大赛区共有206支队伍争夺2022年卡塔尔世界杯参赛资格。The qualification phase ended in March 2022. As always happens, the host nation qualified automatically.
Group stage/knockout phase世界杯小组赛的32支参赛队抽签分为八个小组,每组四队进行比赛,小组赛共进行48场比赛。每支球队都必须和其他三支球队进行且只进行一场比赛,胜、平、负分别积3、1、0分。
The World Cup group stage will whittle the field for the tournament down from 32 teams to 16, with the top two teams in each group advancing to the knockout phase.
Extra time
加时赛If a victor has not been declared after two 45-minute halves during the elimination rounds of the World Cup, the game goes to extra time.
在世界杯淘汰赛中,如果90分钟比赛结束后双方打平,比赛将进入加时赛。After regulation has been completed and the two teams remain tied, there is a five-minute break before extra time begins.
在常规时间结束后,两队保持平局,则在休息5分钟后进行加时赛。Extra time in the World Cup consists of two 15-minute sessions, with a one-minute break in between. The full 30 minutes of extra time is played in its entirety.
世界杯加时赛上下半场各15分钟,中间有1分钟休息时间。世界杯加时赛须踢满30分钟。Penalty shootout
点球大战If the score remains tied after both of the 15-minute extra time sessions, the two teams then go to penalty kicks.
The best-of-five shootout features one-on-one situations between the kicker and the opposing goalkeeper. Teams must use different kickers for each attempt, alternating attempts with the opposing team. Kicks are taken from the penalty mark, which is 12 yards from the goal.
五轮点球大战的特点是踢点球球员和对方门将之间开展一对一较量。球队必须每次安排不同球员踢点球,双方球队交替进行。射门位置位于距离球门12码的罚球点。Once the shootout lead is insurmountable, the game is over. If still tied through five rounds of penalty kicks, the shootout goes to sudden death. The first team to have an advantage after a completed round is declared the winner of the game.
Injury Time
伤停补时Sometimes called Stoppage Time, occasionally referred to as Added Time, Injury Time in association football is the time that the referee adds to the end of each half of a game.
也可以翻译为“Stoppage Time,Added Time”。在足球比赛中,指裁判在比赛的每半场结束时增加的比赛时间。通常足球比赛都有伤停补时,而时间都不一定,计算方式是由主裁判决定的。
Saudi Arabia pulled off one of the biggest upsets in World Cup history on Tuesday with a 2-1 victory over Argentina。

Adidas Gold Boot 世界杯金靴奖(这是国际足联授予每届世界杯决赛阶段进球数最多的球员的荣誉。由于该奖项是由阿迪达斯公司出资赞助,因此冠以Adidas的名称)
Hat trick 帽子戏法(指参赛者在同一场比赛中独中三元、连续三次得分的佳绩。其在足球比赛中的具体含意就是在一场比赛中,一名队员踢进对方球门三个球)
Own goal 乌龙(“乌龙球”又名“杀人球”,最早源于英语的“OWN GOAL”一词,意为“自进本方球门的球”,后来中国球迷根据这个单词的发音,将其称为“乌龙球”)
The group of death 死亡之组
eg. During this phase, people often use the expression ‘the group of death’ to refer to a group that stands out because it has more talented teams than any other.
Favorite 比赛中被看好的球队或队员
eg. This year may be a little different, however, as many of the teams that would usually be considered the favorites to win, for example Italy, Chile and Cameroon, did not qualify for the tournament.
主场/客场 Home/ Away
禁区(球门区与罚球区) Box
角球 Corner
界外球 Throw-in
暂停 Time out
扳平比分的得分 Equalizer
平局 Draw来源:MSN,FIFA官网,奥林匹克官网,外研社Unipus、中国日报