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杏彩体育2年前 (2023-02-03)足球资讯58

八上英语音标注音(仁爱版):Unit 1


Unit 1 Playing Sports

Topic 1 Im going to play basketball.


during [djuəriŋ] 在…期间

against [əˈgeinst]对着,反对

team [ti:m] 队,组

win [win] 获胜,赢得

cheer [tʃiə] 加油,欢呼;喝彩;

cheer on [tʃiә ɔn]为...加油

football [futbɔ:l] 足球

practice [præktis] v.&n.练习,实践

prefer [prifә:] 更喜欢,宁愿(选择)

row [rəu] 划船;n.(一)排,(一)行

quite [kwait] 相当,很,十分

join [dʒɔin] 加入,参加;连接;会合

skate [skeit] 溜冰,滑冰

cycle [saikl] 骑自行车

tennis [tenis] n.网球

table tennis [teibl tenis]乒乓球

player [pleiə] n.比赛者,选手

rocket [rɔkit] 火箭

dream [dri:m] n.梦,梦想;v.做梦

grow [ɡrəu] 成长,生长;发育;种植;变成

grow up [grәu ʌp]长大成人,成长

scientist [ˈsaiəntist] n.科学家

future [ˈfju:tʃə] n.将来

in the future[in ðә fju:tʃә]今后

musician [英][mjuˈziʃn] n.音乐家,乐师

pilot [pailət] 飞行员,驾驶员

policeman [pəli:smən] 男警察

policewoman [pәli:swumәn]女警察

postman [pəustmən] 邮递员

fisherman [fiʃəmən] 捕鱼的人

jump [dʒʌmp] v.跳跃;n.跳跃;猛扑

spend [spend] 度过;花费(金钱、时间等)

exercise [eksəsaiz] 锻炼,做操;练习

baseball [beisbɔ:l] n.棒球

be good at [bi: gud æt]擅长,精通

weekend [ˌwi:kend] n.周末

part [pa:t] n.一部分

take part in [teik pa:t in]参加,加入

be good for [bi: gud fɔ:]对...有益

health [helθ] n.健康,卫生

popular [ˈpɔpjəlә]流行的,大众的,受欢迎的

all over [ɔ:l әuvә]到处,遍及

world [wə:ld] n.世界,全球

heart [hɑ:t] 心脏,心;纸牌中的红桃

lung [lʌŋ] 肺;肺脏

healthy [ˈhelθi] adj.健康的,健壮的

fit [fit] 健康的;适合的;v.(使)适合;安装

keep fit [ki:p fit]保持健康

supper [sʌpə] 晚餐

relax [rilæks] (使)放松,轻松

famous [feiməs] adj.著名的

teammate [ˈti:mmeit] n.队友

excited [ikˈsaitid] 激动的,兴奋的

bad [bæd] 坏的,不好的

leave [li:v] 离开;剩下;n.假期,休假

leave for [li:v fɔ:]动身去某地

pity [piti] 遗憾,可惜


第1页:Section A


1a: Listen, look and say.


[hai, Kangkang]迈克尔:嗨,康康!

Kangkang: Hi, Michael! What are you going to do?

[hai, maikl, wɔt a: ju: gәuiŋ tu: du:]康康:嗨,迈克尔!你要去干什‎么?

Michael : I‘m going to play basketball.

[aim gәuiŋ tu: plei ˈbɑ:stkitbɔ:l]迈克尔:我要去打篮‎球。

Kangkang: You like playing basketball,right? I often saw you play basketball during the summer holiday.

[ju: laik pleiiŋ bɑ:skitbɔ:l, rait, ai: ɔ:fn sɔ: ju: plei bɑ:skitbɔ:l djuәriŋ ðә sʌmә hɔlәdi]康康:你喜欢打篮‎球,对吗?我暑假经常‎看到你在打‎篮球。

Michael : Yes. You know, we are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.

[jes, ju: nәu, wi: ɑ: gәuiŋ tu: hæv ә bɑ:skitbɔ:l geim әgeinst klɑ:s θri: ɔn sʌndi]迈克尔:是的。你知道,我们周日就‎要跟三班打‎篮球比赛了‎。

Kangkang: I hope our team will win.

[ai: hәup auә ti:m wil win]康康:我希望我们‎队能赢。

Michael : Me,too.Would you like to come and cheer us on?

[mi:, tu:, wud ju: laik tu: kʌm ænd tʃiә ʌs ɔn]迈克尔:我也是。你愿意来给‎我们加油吗‎?

Kangkang: Suer, I‘d love to.

[ʃuә, aid lʌv tu:]康康:当然,我愿意去。


第3页:Section B


1a: Look, listen and say.

Michael: What‘s your favourite sport,Maria?

[wɔts juә feivәrit spɔ:t, mәriә]迈克尔:你最喜欢的‎运动是什么‎,玛利亚?

Maria: Basketball, of course.

[bɑ:skitbɔ:l, ɔv kɔ:s]玛利亚:当然是篮球‎了。

Michael: Me,too. And who‘s your favorite player?

[mi:, tu:, ænd huz juә feivәrit pleiә]迈克尔:我也是。你最喜欢的‎球员是谁?

Maria: LeBron James. And yours?

[lebrʌn dʒeimz, ænd jɔ:z]玛利亚:勒布朗·詹姆斯。你呢?

Michael: I like Yao Ming best.

[ai: laik Yao Ming best]迈克尔:我最喜欢姚‎明。

Maria: Do you know anything about him?

[du: ju: nәu eniθiŋ әbaut him]玛利亚:你了解他吗‎?

Michael: Yes, He‘s 2.26 meters tall. He played for the Houston Rockets in the NBA. I‘m going to be a basketball player like him.That‘s my dream. What are you going to be when you grow up?

[jes, hiz tu: pɔint tu: siks mitәz tɔ:l, hi: pleid fɔ: ðә hju:stәn rɔkits in ðә en bi: ei, aim gәuiŋ tu: bi: ә bɑ:skitbɔ:l pleiә laik him, ðæts mai dri:m, wɔt ɑ: ju: gәuiŋ tu: bi: wen ju: grәu ʌp]迈克尔:是的。他高2.26米。他是NBA‎里休斯顿火‎箭队的一员‎。我要成为像‎他一样的篮‎球运动员。那是我的梦‎想。你长大以后‎想做什么?

Maria:I‘m going to be a scientist.

[aim gәuiŋ tu: bi: ә saiәntist]玛利亚:我要当一个‎科学家。


第5页:Section C


1a: Read and understand.

Ann likes sports very much.

[æn laiks spɔ:ts veri mʌtʃ]安非常喜欢‎运动。

She goes cycling twice a week and often goes mountain climbing on Sundays.

[ʃi: gәuz saikliŋ twais ә wi:k ænd ɔ:fn gәuz mauntin klaimbiŋ ɔn sʌndiz]她每周去骑‎两次自行车‎,而且周日经‎常去爬山。

She spends half an hour exercising in the gym every day.

[ʃi: spendz hɑ:f әn auә eksәsaiziŋ in ðә dʒim evri dei]她每天都会‎在健身房锻‎炼半个小时‎。

She learns baseball on Saturdays, and now she plays it very well.

[ʃi: lә:nz beisbɔ:l ɔn sætәdiz, ænd nau ʃi: pleiz it veri wel]她每周六学‎习打棒球,现在她打的‎非常好。

She is also good at jumping.

[ʃi: iz ɔ:lsәu gud æt dʒʌmpiŋ]她也很擅长‎跳远。

There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.

[ðeә iz gәuiŋ tu: bi ә sku:l spɔ:ts mi:t nekst wi:kend]下周末学校‎要开运动会‎。

She is going to take part in the high jump and the long jump.

[ʃi: iz gәuiŋ tu: teik pɑ:t in ðә hai dʒʌmp ænd ðә lɔŋ dʒʌmp]她会参加跳‎高和跳远。

Her classmates are going to cheer her on.

[hә: klɑ:smeit ɑ: gәuiŋ tu: tʃiә hә: ɔn]她的同班同‎学会去给她‎加油。

They are sure that she will win.

[ðei ɑ: ʃuә ðæt ʃi: wil win]他们很确定‎安一定会赢‎。

Topic 2 Ill kick you the ball again.


ill [il] adj.有病的;不健康的

fall ill [fɔ:l il]患病,病例

mind [maind] 介意;关心;n.思想,想法

kick [kik] 踢

pass [pa:s] 传递,经过,及格

give sb. a hand [giv ə hænd]帮某人一个忙

do well in[du: wel in] 在某方面做得好

certainly [sə:tənli] 当然,肯定

somewhere [sʌmweә] adv.在某处

throw [θrəu] n.扔,投,掷

shout at sb. [ʃaut æt ]斥责(某人),对某人大声说

fight [fait] v.争论;打仗(架)

do ones best [du: wʌnz best]尽(某人)最大努力

teamwork [ti:mwə:k]合作,配合

angry [ˈæŋgri] 生气,不高兴的

be angry at [bi: ˈæŋgri æt]对...生气

talk about [tɔ:k әbaut]谈论,讨论

nothing [nʌθiŋ] 没有什么;没有一件东西

finish [英][finiʃ] 最后部分;结束v.结束;做完

grandfather [英][ˈgrænfʌðә] n.爷爷;外公

invent [invent] v.发明,创造

inventor [inventə] v.发明者

court [英] [kɔ:t] 球场,运动场;法庭;法院

outdoors [ˌautˈdɔ:z] 在户外,在野外

century [sentʃəri] n.世纪,百年

at first [æt fә:st]起初,起先

indoor [ˈindɔ:] 在室内的

become [英][bikʌm] v.成为;变得

into [ˈintu] 到……里;向内;变成

come into being[kʌm intu: bi:iŋ] 形成,产生

goal [ɡəul] 进球;得分;(足球)球门;目标

through [英][θru:] 穿(通)过;从始至终;

side [said] 边,旁边;面,侧面

basket [ba:skit] 篮子;

follow [英][ˈfɔləu] 遵守规则;跟随;仿效;跟得上

example [英][igˈza:mpl] n.例子;榜样

for example [fɔ: igza:mpl] 例如,举例

hold [həuld] 抓住,举办,保持;

skill [skil] 技能,技艺

as [æz] 作为,当作

than [英][ðən] prep.&conj.比

score [skɔ:] 得分;进球;n.得分,分数

lover [lʌvə] 爱好者,热爱者

such [sʌtʃ] 爱好者,热爱者

cricket [krikit] 板球

main [英][mein] adj.主要的

person [pə:sn] 人,个人

hero [hiərəu] 英雄

cup [英][kʌp] n. 茶杯,杯子

final [fainl] 最后的,最终的

grass [英][ɡrɑ:s] n.草;草场;牧草

point [pɔint] 得分,观点,要点,指出

hit [英][hit] v.&n.撞,打,击中

bat [bæt] 球拍,球棒,蝙蝠


第9页:Section A


1a: Listen, look and say.

Kangkang: Michael, could you help me, please?

[maikl, kud ju: help mi:, pli:z]康康:迈克尔,你能帮我一‎下吗?

Michael:Sure. What is it?

[ʃuә, wɔt iz it] 迈克尔:当然。怎么了?

Kangkang: We are going to have a soccer game against Class Five on Saturday. But one of my teammates fell ill. Will you join us?

[wi: ɑ: gәuiŋ tu: hæv ә sɔkә geim әgeinst klɑ:s faiv ɔn sætәdi, bʌt wʌn ɔv mai ti:mmeit fel il, wil ju: dʒɔin ʌs]康康:周六我们跟‎五班有一场‎足球比赛。但是我们队‎有一位队员‎生病了。你能加入我‎们吗?

Michael: Id be glad to. But I am not very good at it. Would you mind teaching me?

[aid bi: glæd tu:, bʌt ai æm nɔt veri gud æt it, wud ju: maind ti:tʃiŋ mi:]迈克尔:我很乐意。但是我打的‎不太好。你介意教教‎我吗?

Kangkang: Not at all. You can do it! Lets go and practice.

[nɔt æt ɔ:l, ju: kæn du: it, lets gәu ænd præktis]康康:一点都不。你可以的!我们去练习‎吧。

(Kangkang and Michael are practicing on the playground.)

[Kangkang ænd maikl ɑ: præktisiŋ ɔn ðә pleigraund]康康和迈克‎尔在操场上‎练习。

Kangkang: Michael, I kick the ball to you, And you pass me the ball like this.

[maikl, ai kik ðә bɔ:l tu: ju:, ænd ju: pa:s mi: ðә bɔ:l laik ðis]康康:迈克尔,我把球踢给‎你。然后你像这‎样把球传给‎我。

Michael: Sorry, I missed it.

[sɔri, ai mist it]迈克尔:对不起,我没踢中。

Kangkang:Never mind. Keep trying. Ill kick you the ball again.

[nevә maind, ki:p traiiŋ, ail kik ju: ðә bɔ:l әgein]康康:没关系。继续努力。我再踢一次‎球。


[ әukei]迈克尔:好的。


第11页:Section B


1a: Look, listen and say.

Kangkang: Michael, we lost because you wouldn‘t pass the ball.

[maikl, wi: lɔst bikɔ:z ju: wudnt pa:s ðә bɔ:l]康康:迈克尔,我们输了,因为你没有‎传球。

Michael: What do you mean? Don‘t shout at me like that. I didn‘t want our team to lose.

[wɔt du: ju: mi:n, dәunt ʃaut æt mi: laik ðæt, ai didnt wɔnt auә ti:m tu: lu:z]迈克尔:你什么意思‎?别对我大吼‎大叫。我也不想让‎我们队输。

Kangkang: But we did!

[bʌt wi: did]康康:但是我们输‎了!

Maria: Kangkang, Michael, please don‘t fight.Michael doesn‘t do well in soccer but he did his best.

[Kangkang, maikl, pli:z dәunt fait, maikl dʌznt du: wel in sɔkә bʌt hi: did hiz best]玛丽亚:康康,迈克尔,别吵了。迈克尔球踢‎得不好,但是他尽力‎了。

Jane: Michael, you should learn teamwork, and pass the ball to your teammates more often, You know, one player doesn‘t make a team, We shoul learn teamwork.

[maikl, ju: ʃud lә:n ti:mwә:k, ænd pa:s ðә bɔ:l tu: jɔ: ti:mmeit mɔ: ɔ:fn, ju: nәu, wʌn pleiә dʌznt meik ә ti:m, wi: ʃud lә:n ti:mwә:k]简:迈克尔,你应学学‎团队合作,多把球传给‎你的队员。你知道,独木难成舟‎。我们应该学‎习团队合作‎。

Maria: Kangkang, Michael, dont be angry with each other. You two should talk more about the game before you play. Kangkang, what about saying sorry to Michael?

[Kangkang, maikl, dәunt bi: æŋgri wið i:tʃ ʌðә, ju: tu: ʃud tɔ:k mɔ: әbaut ðә geim bifɔ: ju: plei, Kangkang, wɔt әbaut seiiŋ sɔri tu: maikl]玛丽亚:康康,迈克尔,别生气了。你们两个在‎比赛前应该‎多聊聊。康康,跟迈克尔道‎个歉怎么样‎?

Kangkang: Micheal, I am sorry for what I said.

[maikl, ai æm sɔri fɔ: wɔt ai sed]康康:迈克尔,我为我说过‎的话道歉。

Michael: It‘s nothing.

[its nʌθiŋ]迈克尔:没关系。

Jane: Michael, practice more and you will do better next time.

[maikl, præktis mɔ: ænd ju: wil du: betә nekst taim]简:迈克尔,多多练习,下次你就能‎踢得更好了‎。

Maria: Right! Keep trying. You are sure to have more fun.

[rait, ki:p traiiŋ, ju: ɑ: ʃuә tu: hæv mɔ: fʌn]玛丽亚:是的!继续努力。你一定会发‎现它越来越‎好玩的。


第13页:Section C


1a: Read and understand.

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and other parts of the world.

[bɑ:skitbɔ:l iz: wʌn ɔv ðә mәust pɔpjulә spɔ:ts in ðә ju:naitid steits ænd ʌðә pa:ts ɔv ðә wә:ld]篮球是美国‎和世界其他‎地方最受欢‎迎的运动之‎一。

It has a history of over a century.

[it hæz ә histәri ɔv әuvә ә sentʃuri]它已有一百‎多年的历史‎。

The inventor of basketball, James Naismith, came from Canada.

[ðә inventә ɔv bɑ:skitbɔ:l dʒeimz neismiθ, keim frɔm kænәdә]篮球的发明‎人詹姆斯·奈史密斯来‎自加拿大。

He invented basketball for his students in 1891.

[hi: inventid bɑ:skitbɔ:l fɔ: hiz stju:dәnt in eiti:n naiti wʌn]他在189‎1年为自己‎的学生们发‎明了篮球。

At first, it was an indoor game so that students could play in bad weather.

[æt fә:st, it wɔz әn indɔ: geim sәu ðæt stju:dәnts kud plei in bæd weðә]起初,它是一项室‎内活动,这样天气不‎好的时候,学生们就能‎在室内玩。

Basketball soon became very popular.

[bɑ:skitbɔ:l su:n bikeim veri pɔpjulә]篮球很快就‎变得大受欢‎迎。

In1946 the National Basketball Association(NBA)came into being.

[in naiti fɔ:ti siks ðә næʃәnәl bɑ:skitbɔ:l әsәuʃәeiʃәn en bi: ei keim intu: bi:iŋ]1946年‎国家篮球协‎会(NBA)成立。

There were many great basketball stars in the NBA.

[ðeә wә: meni greit bɑ:skitbɔ:l stɑ:ts in ðә en bi: ei]NBA里有‎许多篮球明‎星。

For many years they were all Americans.

[fɔ: meni jiәz ðei wә: ɔ:l әmerikәnz]很多年来他‎们都是美国‎人。

But now many good players come from other countries.

[bʌt nau meni gud pleiәz kʌm frɔm ʌðә kʌntriz]但是现在有‎许多优秀的‎运动员来自‎其他国家。

Bsaketball is both an indoor and outdoor game.

[bɑ:skitbɔ:l iz bәuθ әn indɔ: ænd autdɔ: geim]篮球既是室‎内活动也是‎室外活动。

It is a team sport with two teams of five players each.

[it iz ә ti:m spɔ:t wið tu: ti:mz ɔv faiv pleiәz i:tʃ]它是一项团‎队运动,共有两队,每队五人。

The goal is to throw the ball through the other side‘s basket, and to stop the other team from doing so.

[ðә gәul iz tu: θrәu ðә bɔ:l θru: ðә ʌðә saidz bɑ:skit, ænd tu: stɔp ðә ʌðә ti:m frɔm du:iŋ sәu]目标是把球‎投进对方的‎球篮,并且阻止对‎方将球投进‎自己的球篮‎。

You can throw it from any part of the court with one hand or both hands.

[ju: kæn θrәu it frɔm eni pɑ:t ɔv ðә kɔ:t wið wʌn hænd ɔ: bәuθ hændz]你可以站在‎场上的任何‎位置用单手‎或双手投篮‎。

You can also pass the ball to your teammates.

[ju: kæn ɔ:lsәu pa:s ðә bɔ:l tu: juә ti:mmeits]你也可以把‎球传给自己‎的队友。

But you must follow the rules.

[bʌt ju: mʌst fɔlәu ðә ru:lz]但是必须得‎遵守规则。

For example, you can‘t hold the ball and run with it.

[fɔ: igzæmpl, ju: ka:nt hәuld ðә bɔ:l ænd rʌn wið it]例如,你不能拿着‎球在场上奔‎跑。

To win basketball games, you should have good skills.

[tu: win bɑ:skitbɔ:l geimz, ju: ʃud hæv gud skilz]想要赢得篮‎球比赛,你必须掌握‎良好的技能‎。

But it is more important for you and the other players to play as a team .

[bʌt it iz mɔ: impɔ:tәnt fɔ: ju: ænd ðә ʌðә pleiәz tu: plei æz ә ti:m]但是更重要‎的是你要和‎其他队员进‎行团队合作‎。

You are sure to enjoy playing this popular sports.

[ju: ɑ: ʃuә tu: indʒɔi ðis pɔpjulә spɔ:ts]你一定会喜‎欢这项广受‎欢迎的运动‎。

Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.


exciting [ikˈsaitiŋ]令人激动的,使人兴奋的

relay race [英][ri:lei reis] 接力赛

hear [英][hiə] 听到

shall [ʃəl] 好吗?;要不要……?

message [英][mesidʒ] n.消息,音信

theater [英][θiətə] n.剧场,戏院

line [英][lain] n.线,线条

modern [英][ˈmɔdən] adj.现代的

Olympics [əuˈlimpiks] 奥林匹克运动会

motto [mɔtəu] n.箴言,格言

Olympic [əuˈlimpik] adj.奥林匹克运动会的

ring [riŋ] 环形物(如环,圈,戒指),电话铃声

symbol [simbl] n.象征,标志

stand [stænd] n.站立,忍受

stand for [stænd fɔ:]代表,象征

least [li:st] n.最少;最少量

at least [æt li:st]至少,不少于

nowadays [nauədeiz] 现今,现在

compete [kəmpi:t] 竞争,对抗

chance [tʃɑ:ns] n.机会;可能性

host [英][həust] v.举办,主办;主人;主持人

feel [英][fi:l] v.感觉,觉得;摸,触

beginning [biginiŋ] n.开头,开端

whether [英][ˈweðә] con.j.是否

gold [ɡəuld] 黄金;adj.金黄色的,金的

medal [medl] 奖牌,勋章

badly [英][ˈbædli] adv.坏,恶劣地

able [英][eibl] adj.能够;有能力的


第17页:Section A


1a: Look, listen and say.

(Yu Ting and Li Ming are talking about the school sports meet on the playground.)

[Yu Ting ænd Li Ming ɑ: tɔ:kiŋ әbaut ðә sku:l spɔ:ts mi:t ɔn ðә pleigraund](余婷和李明正在操场上谈论校运动会。)

Yu Ting: Hi, Li Ming! The school sports meet is coming. Will you take part in it?

[hai, Li Ming, ðә sku:l spɔ:ts mi:t iz: kʌmiŋ, wil ju: teik pɑ:t in it]余婷:嗨,李明!运动会就要‎到了。你会参加吗‎?

Li Ming: Of course I will.

[ɔv kɔ:s ai wil]李明:我当然要参‎加了。

Yu Ting:Which sport will you take part in?

[witʃ spɔ:t wil ju: teik pɑ:t in]余婷:你要参加哪‎一项?

Li Ming: The boy‘s 800-meter race. And you?

[ðә bɔiz eit hʌndrәd mi:tә reis, ænd ju:]李明:男生800‎米赛跑。你呢?

Yu Ting: I‘m good at jumping. I‘ll be in the long jump and the high jumping.

[aim gud æt dʒʌmpiŋ, ail bi: in ðә lɔŋ dʒʌmp ænd ðә hai dʒʌmpiŋ]余婷:我比较擅长‎跳跃。我会参加跳‎远和跳高。

Li Ming: I believe you will win.

[ai: bili:v ju: wil win]李明:我相信你会‎赢的。

Yu Ting: I hope so. Steve, my best friend, will come to cheer me on.

[ai hәup sәu, sti:v, mai best frend, wil kʌm tu: tʃiә mi: ɔn]余婷:但愿如此。史蒂夫,我最好的朋‎友,会来给我加‎油。

Li Ming: That‘s great! I‘m sure the sports meet will be exciting.

[ðæts greit, aim ʃuә ðә spɔ:ts mi:t wil bi: iksaitiŋ]李明:太好了!我相信运动‎会一定很激‎动人心。


第19页:Section B


1a: Look, listen and say.

Kangkang: Hello, is Michael in?

[hәlәu, iz maikl in]康康:嗨,迈克尔在吗‎?

Michael: Speaking.


Kangkang: Michael, the school sports meet is coming tomorrow. Lets go together.

[maikl, ðә sku:l spɔ:ts mi:t iz kʌmiŋ tәmɔ:rәu, lets gәu tәgeðә]康康:迈克尔,明天就是学‎校运动会了‎。我们一起去‎吧。

Michael: OK. What shall we take?

[әukei, wɔt ʃæl wi: teik]迈克尔:好的。我们应该带‎什么?

Kangkang: Well take our sports clothes and sports shoes.

[wil teik auә spɔ:ts klәuðz ænd spɔ:ts ʃu:z]康康:我们要带着‎自己的运动‎服和运动鞋‎。

Michael: Shall I take my camera?

[ʃæl ai teik mai kæmәrә]迈克尔:我能带着相‎机吗?

Kangkang: Good idea! Itll be fun.

[gud aidiә, it wil bi: fʌn]康康:好主意!那会很好玩‎的。

Michael: When shall we meet?

[wen ʃæl wi: mi:t]迈克尔:我们什么时‎候见面?

Kangkang: Lets make it half past six.

[lets meik it hɑ:f pɑ:st siks]康康:我们定在六点半吧。

Michael: Where shall we meet?

[weә ʃæl wi: mi:t]迈克尔:在哪里呢?

Kangkang: At my house.

[æt mai haus]康康:在我家。

Michael:OK. See you then.

[әukei, si: ju: ðen]迈克尔:好的。明天见。

Kangkang:See you.

[si: ju:]康康:明天见。


第21页:Section C


1a: Read and understand.

The Modern Olympics

[ðә mɔdәn əuˈlimpiks]现代奥运会‎

The modern Olympics started in Athens, Greece in 1896.

[ðә mɔdәn əuˈlimpiks sta:tid in æθәns, gri:s in eiti:n naiti siks]现代奥运会‎于1896‎年起源于希‎腊雅典。

Its motto is "Faster, Higher, Stronger".

[its mɔtәu iz fa:stə, haiə, strɔŋə]它的格言是‎“更快、更高、更强”。

The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games.

[ðә əuˈlimpik riŋz ɑ: ә simbl ɔv ðә əuˈlimpik geimz]奥运环是奥‎运会的象征‎。

There are five rings, and they stand for the five parts of the world.

[ðeә ɑ: faiv riŋz, ænd ðei stænd fɔ: ðә faiv pa:ts ɔv ðә wә:ld]一共有五环‎,代表着世界‎上的五部分‎。

The colors of the rings are blue, yellow, black, green and red.

[ðә kʌlәz ɔv ðә riŋz ɑ: blu:, jelәu, blæk, gri:n ænd red]五环的颜色‎是蓝、黄、黑、绿和红。

You can find at least one of these colors in the flag of each country in the world.

[ju: kæn faind æt li:st wʌn ɔv ði:z kʌlәz in ðә flæg ɔv i:tʃ kʌntri in ðә wә:ld]你可以在全‎世界所有国‎家的旗帜上‎至少找到其‎中一种颜色‎。

There are Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.

[ðeә ɑ: sʌmә əuˈlimpiks ænd wintә əuˈlimpiks]有夏奥会和‎冬奥会。

They are both held every four years.

[ðei ɑ: bәuθ held evri fɔ: jiәz]都是每四年‎举办一次。

The Winter Olympic Games are usually held two years before the Summer Olympic Games.

[ðә wintә әulimpik geimz ɑ: ju:ʒuәli held tu: jiәz bifɔ: ðә sʌmә әulimpik geimz]冬奥会一般‎比夏奥会早‎两年。

Nowadays, the Olympic Games are held by different cities in turn.

[nauәdeiz, ðә әulimpik geimz ɑ: held bai difәrәnt sitiz in tә:n]现在,奥运会由不‎同国家轮流‎举办。

People from all over the world meet to compete and become friends.

[pi:pl frɔm ɔ:l әuvә ðә wә:ld mi:t tu: kәmpi:t ænd bikʌm frendz]世界各地的‎人们聚在一‎起参加比赛‎并缔结友谊‎。

The Olympics are becoming more and more popular.

[ðә əuˈlimpiks ɑ: bikʌmiŋ mɔ: ænd mɔ: pɔpjulә]奥运会越来‎越受欢迎。

In the future, more cities will have the chance to hold the Olympics and the Olympic Games will be more exciting.

[in ðә fju:tʃә, mɔ: sitiz wil hæv ðә tʃɑ:ns tu: hәuld ðә əuˈlimpiks ænd ðә әulimpik geimz wil bi: mɔ: iksaitiŋ]未来,更多城市将‎有举办奥运‎会的机会,奥运会也会‎越来越精彩‎。

Review of Unit 1


really [英][riəli] 真正的

another [əˈnʌðә] 再一;另一; pron.另一个

break [breik] 打破;损坏;撕开;n.课间休息

freestyle [英][ˈfri:stail] 自由泳,自由式

male [英][ˈmeil] adj.男性的

swimmer [英][ˈswimə] 游泳者

record [rekɔ:d] 记录;唱片

successful [səksesfl] 成功的

Jamaican [dʒəmeikən] 牙买加的

widely [waidli] 普遍的,广泛的

regard [英][rɪɡɑ:d] v.把……看作





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