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杏彩体育2年前 (2023-01-13)世界杯资讯33






Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the opening ceremony of the 22nd FIFA World Cup, which is broadcast live at the Bayit Stadium in Qatar.


Since the first World Cup in 1930, the World Cup has been accompanied by hundreds of millions of fans all over the world for 92 years. Numerous new types and glories of the global village have been collected in the memory of sound waves and images for nearly a hundred years, and legends and classics transmitted from generation to generation have been achieved.


The 22nd World Cup will be the 12th time for China National Radio and Television to present the worlds top football event to Chinese fans. We have accompanied generations of Chinese fans through 11 spring and summer seasons. This time, we will be together for the first time in autumn and winter.


There is a five hour time difference between Qatar and China. After the start of the group game, the first game of each day will be played at 13:00 p.m. Qatar time, and at 18:00 p.m. Beijing time until late at night. This time, our CCTV omnimedia coverage matrix will provide Chinese fans with the most comprehensive and three-dimensional World Cup broadcast, from large screen to small screen, from high-definition to ultra-high definition, from live broadcast to what time to spend the most exciting World Cup time with you, Let this winter fly with passion.


Todays opening ceremony of the stadium is held in the city of Haur, 35 kilometers north of Doha. Its design inspiration comes from the local traditional waste capital. With a retractable roof on the top of the tent, it is the only venue with indoor competition function in the Bago Stadium of the World Cup. It has been built for eight years from 14 to 21 years.


Following the video, we see a traveler walking slowly into a mysterious gate to a world composed of oceans and deserts, where he will see the curtain of the World Cup is about to open.


Morgan Freeman, the film actor, was narrating at the scene. Morgan Freeman said that in this land, we heard the call, but the call of the world connected us. Even if it was just a moment, we were united. This was the journey. The East, the West and I walked together, moved together, and moved towards the same goal.


A strange world appeared in the center of the stage. A resident called to the world and invited everyone to the Bayit Stadium. Bayit means home in Arabic. This invitation is also a call from home. Qatari women stood beside their camels in luxurious ceremonial robes. The camels were carrying Hawadi travel beds resting during the journey, accompanied by the loud voice of the singers, When the big tent of the home of the fabled family on the Bayt Stadium meets, the singing gradually becomes a luminous stream, connecting different travelers from all over the world and guiding them towards the direction of meeting.

现场由演员摩根弗里曼扮演的旅行者回应呼唤到达了巴伊特体育场,他说我听到了美妙的声音,不仅是音乐,还有对庆典的召唤,这一切是那么新奇,我以前所知这里一片混乱,还有被遗忘的家人,我甚至无法听到你们的声音。Al Muftah说我们发出的召唤,正因为我们欢迎大家,这是对全世界的邀请,摩根弗里曼说:“我记得”,即使听到你们的召唤,我们还是视而不见,这个世界变得更加有距离了,如果我们不能彼此包容,如何让各个国家语言和文化融合在一起呢?

The traveler, played by actor Morgan Freeman, responded to the call and arrived at the Bayt Stadium. He said that I heard a wonderful voice, not only music, but also the call to the celebration. It was so novel. As I knew before, there was chaos here, as well as the forgotten family. I could not even hear your voice. Al Muftah said that our call was just because we welcomed everyone. It was an invitation to the world. Morgan Freeman said, "I remember". Even after hearing your call, we still turned a blind eye to it. The world has become more distant. If we cannot tolerate each other, how can we integrate languages and cultures of various countries?

Al Muftah说:“我们从小就相信我们被散落在这个地球上的国家和部落,我们相互学习,并且发现我们因不同而美丽,我可以看到是什么团结了我们,在这里团结远比我们分歧大的多,但是我们要怎么做才能让它持续更久,而不仅于精神”,Al Muftah说:“宽容和尊重可以让我们同一个屋檐下,在阿拉伯语中巴伊特的意思是贝都因人的帐篷”,无论它建在哪里,那里就是家,我们召唤你就是欢迎你来到我家,所以我们聚集在这里,在这个巨大的部落,整个地球就是我们的贝都因帐篷,没错,我们还可以一起向全世界发出召唤,请大家加入我们!

Al Muftah said: "We believed that we were scattered in the countries and tribes on the earth when we were young. We learned from each other and found that we are beautiful because of our differences. I can see what unites us. The unity here is far greater than our differences. But what we should do to make it last longer, not just in spirit", Al Muftah said: "Tolerance and respect can make us under the same roof. In Arabic, Bayit means Bedouin tent". No matter where it is built, it is home. We call you to welcome you to my home, so we gather here. In this huge tribe, the whole earth is our Bedouin tent. Yes, we can also call the world together, Please join us!


Morgan Freeman said that we should cheer for our heroes in the celebration. Although our languages are different, and we hope that happiness and respect will become our common understanding, we may not understand each others language, but in our hearts, we must understand and appreciate each others feelings, and connect all our feelings.


Now, 100 dancers in the venue are waving their light speed on the projected three-dimensional stage. On the mobile platform around, we can see four drummers in traditional clothes beating with distinct rhythm. The collision of tradition and modernity shows the charm of Qatar!


We can see that the giant jerseys of 32 World Cup teams began to enter the center of the stage, and the actors waving flags of various countries also surrounded the venue. In the joyful singing, the world was immersed in the football feast. With the light in the venue now turning red, the performers in red jerseys danced heartily in the light projection, and the atmosphere of the scene was pushed to the peak in the singing of previous World Cup theme songs, We will now see the mascots of the previous 14th World Cup directly enter the stage.


These mascots have been designed as 3 meter high dolls. A total of 34 volunteers and 17 professional puppets are working together. Now they are entering the stadium in chronological order. The concept of World Cup mascots was first created in 1966 by England, the host country of the event. The first World Cup mascot is a lion named Mighty, which was created by childrens illustrator Thunder Hoyer, Mascots are important symbols of the World Cup. Their archetypes include children, animals, fruits, and even peppers. We saw that the mascots of the last World Cup were Zabiwaka, a wolf from Asia and Europe, Blake, who appeared in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, and Zakumi, a leopard in South Africa.


The mascot "Laeeb" of this World Cup is about to join the ranks. He is the main character on the stage tonight. In the press conference before the opening of the World Cup, the sponsor said that "Laeeb" will appear in a mysterious way. Lets wait together.



Now we can see "Laeeb". "Laeeb" is a word in Arabic, representing a skilled player. His inspiration for creation comes from the shape of traditional Arab male headwear. The designer skillfully grasped the characteristics of white and headwear, and made a personification of it. The lovely smiling face endows the mascot with youth, vitality, and random ability, It is also like the flying carpet in the Arab fairy tale, which shuttles in different time and space, passing on the happiness of football to everyone. Now the official song of the World Cup is 《Dreamers》, the title of the song translated as "dreamers are sung".


This song was sung jointly by Tatar singers Fa and Rob Dixie and Korean singer Tian Jiuguo. It shows Qatars pursuit of dreams and conveys to the world that Qatar is ready to fulfill its promise when bidding for the World Cup 12 years ago. Morgan Freeman came to the center of the dance stage again. He said that football connects the world. This beautiful sport I love deeply connects not only the country, but also different ethnic groups, We all have a football story, which brings us together, and this land has its own story.


Next, Emil Nanim Habadrasani, the current Qatari, delivered a welcome speech. I welcome you from an Arab country in Qatar to the 2022 World Cup. Through the joint efforts of many people, we want to make this World Cup one of the most successful events. We have done our best for this festival of all mankind. Finally, we come to the opening ceremony, which is also a day that you are eagerly looking forward to. From tonight, in the next 28 days, we will experience this great football world together with the world. This will also be an extensive exchange on human beings and civilizations. People of different races, nationalities and faiths gather in Qatar, and the screens of the worlds major states will share exciting moments at the same time. What a wonderful scene it will be when people put their differences aside, celebrate the diversity of the world, and never forget what unites us! I wish all the participating teams a wonderful performance, a high level of sportsmanship, a period of joy, excitement and joy, and a bright and hopeful future. I welcome you and wish you good luck.


The official emblem of the current Qatar World Cup appears in the center of the stage. The creative source of the emblem is the spectacular sand dunes in Qatar. The golden circle represents the Arabic numeral eight, representing the eight stadiums hosting 64 matches of the current World Cup. At this moment, gorgeous fireworks are all over the sky, and the audience at the scene is immersed in a warm and happy atmosphere, looking forward to the charm of football and sports.


Audience friends, thats all for the broadcast of the opening ceremony of the Qatar World Cup. Thank you for watching. The opening ceremony of the World Cup will be held in this stadium later. Host Qatar vs. Ecuador.


Welcome to continue to focus on the World Cup report of China Central Radio and Television (CCTV). See you later!






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