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杏彩体育2年前 (2022-12-23)网球资讯43

Looking for a better workout? How about one that incorporates cardiovascular, strength training, and a brain workout all at the same time. Incredibly, that’s only the beginning of the health benefits of playing tennis. Get to know the following 5 top benefits of this amazing sport.寻找更好的锻炼? 一个同时结合心血管、力量训练和大脑锻炼的方法怎么样? 令人难以置信的是,这只是打网球对健康有益的开始。 了解这项惊人运动的以下 5 大好处。

Tennis Health Benefits You Need to Know您需要知道的网球健康益处

There are countless new workout programs and gimmicks popping up left and right. You can spend a lot of money trying to find the best workout regimin. Few of them, however, can match the full body workout of tennis. Take a look at these incredible health benefits of this fast-paced game.有无数新的锻炼计划和噱头在不断涌现。 你可以花很多钱来寻找最好的锻炼方式。 然而,很少有人能与网球的全身锻炼相媲美。快来 看看这款快节奏游戏的这些令人难以置信的健康益处。

1) It’s good for your heart有益心脏

Tennis demands a series of quick sprints over a 1 to 2 hour period of time. It increases your heart rate, pumping oxygen and nutrients to your muscles more efficiently.As your aerobic capacities improve, it also enables your muscles to better utilize the oxygen they receive. They will tire more slowly and at higher performance levels. Over time, playing tennis lowers your resting heart rate and blood pressure. It also lowers the risk for heart attack, stroke, and heart disease.网球需要在 1 到 2 小时的时间内进行一系列快速冲刺。 它可以提高您的心率,更有效地向肌肉输送氧气和营养。随着您的有氧能力提高,它还可以让您的肌肉更好地利用它们接收到的氧气。 他们会在更高的性能水平上更慢地疲劳。 随着时间的推移,打网球会降低您的静息心率和血压。 它还可以降低心脏病发作、中风和心脏病的风险。

2) Control your body fat控制体脂

You’re constantly on your feet, moving fast, and making sudden directional changes. It’s a workout for your entire body as you run, swing, pivot, and stretch. You can burn between 400 to 600 calories an hour which is great for reducing and controlling body fat. A lot of people find they can burn more calories when they play tennis than with many other physical activities. 你不断地站起来,快速移动,并突然改变方向。 当您跑步、摆动、旋转和伸展时,这是对您整个身体的锻炼。 你每小时可以燃烧 400 到 600 卡路里的热量,这对减少和控制身体脂肪很有帮助。 很多人发现他们打网球比其他许多体育活动可以燃烧更多的卡路里。

3) Improve your balance and flexibility提高‬身体‬平衡‬和‬灵活度‬

Your entire body must work together to play the game of tennis, working your legs, arms, hands, and torso. This coordination of the full body requires flexibility and balance. Each shot you take improves this coordination, increasing your balance and flexibility. This means you’re lowering your risk of injury and stretching your range of motion.你的整个身体必须协同工作才能打网球,锻炼你的腿、手臂、手和躯干。 全身的这种协调需要灵活性和平衡。 您的每一个动作都会改善这种协调性,从而提高您的平衡性和灵活性。 这意味着您正在降低受伤风险并扩大运动范围。

4) Tone your muscles锻炼您的肌肉

You run, swing your arms, stop, start, jump, and crouch down. You move side to side, forward and backward and various speeds.You make sudden and frequent directional changes as you navigate the court after the ball. Unique among other sports, tennis is truly a workout for the entire body. Your legs, shoulders, arms, hands, upper back, and lower back all get a good workout. You strengthen your core muscles. Playing tennis regularly is an optimal rigorous strength training routine for your whole body.你跑步、摆动手臂、停止、开始、跳跃和蹲下。 你左右移动,向前和向后移动,速度不同。当你在球场上跑动时,你会突然和频繁地改变方向。 网球是真正的独一无二的全身锻炼。 你的腿、肩膀、手臂、手、上背部和下背部都得到了很好的锻炼。 它加强了你的核心肌肉。 定期打网球是对您全身的最佳、严格的力量训练。

5) Stimulate your brain刺激大脑

Tennis combines physics with geometry and requires tactical and creative thinking. You must be alert to plan and develop shot patterns and make split second decisions. Your brain must coordinate many different parts of your body to play and improve your game. This improves neural connections the more you play. Not only that, but the game of tennis requires a good amount of thinking and strategy, much like the game of chess. You must think fast and execute tactical moves with precision. This has even been shown to improve memory and learning.网球将物理与几何相结合,需要战术和创造性思维。 您必须警惕计划和制定击球模式并立即做出决定。 你的大脑必须协调你身体的许多不同部位来玩和改进你的游戏。 玩得越多,这就会改善神经连接。 不仅如此,网球比赛需要大量的思考和策略,就像国际象棋一样。 您必须快速思考并准确执行战术动作。 这甚至已被证明可以提高记忆力和学习能力。

Move Better, Feel Better移动得越快,感觉越好

Stay fit, keep your heart healthy, give your muscles a regular workout, improve your balance and flexibility, AND improve cognitive skills. On top of all of that, it even makes you feel better and improves your mood. Whether you play recreationally or competitively, tennis is one sport that gives you an optimal full body and brain workout, every time. And it’s fun! What’s more, these tennis health benefits are just the beginning.保持身材,保持心脏健康,定期锻炼肌肉,改善平衡和灵活性,并提高认知能力。 最重要的是,它甚至能让你感觉更好,改善你的心情。 无论您是休闲还是竞技,网球都是一项每次都能让您获得最佳全身和大脑锻炼的运动。 而且很有趣! 更重要的是,这些网球健康益处仅仅是个开始。





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