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地道英语句典A-Z #021-030

杏彩体育2年前 (2022-12-18)乒乓球资讯51

地道英语句典A-Z #021-030

(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)



*他说: “在(中学)1我的(班级)2有一个孩子时常在(考试得到最高的分数)3但他从来没有({举动高傲/ditto}4a/{举止表示他比较我们其余人更好}4b).”: He said: “At (high school)1 there was a kid in my class2 that always (scored the highest marks in exams)3, but he never ({put on airs/acted conceited}4a/{acted he was better than the rest of us}4b).”

*虽然他因为(拒绝)1({共同合作}2a/{参与}2b)(会计骗局)3而被公司(辞退)4但他能够(昂然引以为傲)5完全知道他的(正直人格)6(维持无损)7: Even though he was fired4 by the company for refusing1 to ({collaborate}2a/{participate}2b) in an (accounting scam)3, he can (hold his head up high)5 knowing full well his integrity6 (remains intact)7.

*他说: “我听说你得主管被(开除)1.” 她说: “(那使我非常高兴)2, 那(自满的讨厌高傲鬼)3使我的职位({凄惨}4a/{如人间地狱}4b/{难以忍受}4c): He said: “I heard your supervisor was fired1.” She said: “(It pleases me to no end)2. That (smug swanker[犯][note: “swanker” also means a “masturbator”])3 made my job ({miserable}4a/{a living hell}4b/{unbearable}4c).”

*他是个({高傲}1a/{顽固}1b)的人(认为)2从他人({要求帮助/ditto}3a/{取帮助}3b/{接受帮助}3c)使他({感到渺小}4a/{看来渺小}4b/{看来无能}4c): He’s a ({proud}1a/ {stubborn}1b) person and thinks2 ({asking for help/seeking help}3a/{getting help}3b/{accepting help}3c) from others makes him ({feel small}4a/{look small}4b/{look incompetent}4c).

*(报纸专栏作家)1(写述)2: “我对(市议员的)3(傲慢不理会态度)4于他们(牌照条例)5对(街头小贩)6(造成)7(经济困难)8 ({感到愤怒/ditto}9a/{感到憎恶反感/ditto}9b)”: The (newspaper columnist)1 wrote2: “I’m ({ticked off/incensed}9a/{disgusted/revulsed/ revolted/appalled/sickened/repelled}9b) at the (city councilors’)3 (cavalier attitude)4 towards the (financial hardship)8 that their (licensing bylaws)5 have caused7 (street vendors)6.”

*他的朋友问道: “为何你(费心)1(工作那么勤奋)2在这(没有前途的职位)3?” 他说: “那只是(在知道我做足一整天工作)4后我能够(感到自傲/ditto)5: His friend asked: “Why do you bother1 to (work so hard)2 on this (dead-end job)3?”. He said: “It’s just that I can (stand tall/walk with pride/walk tall)5 (in knowing I’ve put in a full day’s work)4.”

*这(经理的)1 ({以自己为重的傲慢}2a/{欺凌手法}2b/{“照我命令去做”的心态}2c/{“照我吩咐去做但我可以做的不是等于你可以做”方法}2d)似乎是一个(瞒骗的诡计)3来(隐藏/ditto)4他的(无能)5和(缺乏安全感)6: This manager’s1 ({egotistical arrogance}2a/{bullying tactics}2b/{do-as-I-say mentality}2c/{do-as-I-say-and-not-as-I-do approach}2d) seems to be a ruse3 to (conceal/cover up/hide/cloak/mask)4 his incompetence5 and insecurity6.

*她的朋友问道: “这个新女孩子(有什么问题)1? 当我(尝试)2跟她(交友/ditto)3时她({对我冷落藐视/ditto}4a/{对我冷落}4b)”, 她说: “她是个(从上流社会来)5的({傲慢无礼/ditto }6a/{高傲/ditto}6b/{自以为了不起看低他人/ditto}6c) (小公主)7不会跟像我们的(普通人/ditto)8({交往}9a/{交际}9b).”: Her friend asked: “(What’s wrong)1 with this new girl? She ({snubbed me/gave me the brushoff/slighted me/ looked right through me}4a/ {gave me the cold shoulder}4b) when I (tried to)2 (make friends with/befriend)3 her.” She said: “She’s ({an uppity/a presumptuous}6a/{an arrogant/ a high-and-mighty}6b/{a snobbish/a stuck-up}6c) (little princess)7 (from high society)5 and does not ({mingle}9a/ {socialize}9b) with (commoners/ordinary people)8 like us.”

拗: (~口) difficult to pronounce

*这个(东欧)1的(冰棍球员)2的名字有十八个(字母)3, 它是(很麻烦/ditto)4来(拼写)5并是(很拗口)6来(发音)7: The name of this (Eastern European)1 (hockey player)2 has 18 letters3, which is a (nuisance/pain)4 to spell5 and a mouthful6 to pronounce7.



八: (~) eight

w八角: star anise

捌: (~) capital print of “八”

扒: (~) rake up; (~墙) cling (to wall)

*在最近的(父亲节)1那儿子替父亲把(树叶)2从({草坪}3a/{花圃}3b)(扒走)4: On the last (father’s day)1, the son raked4 the leaves2 from the ({lawn}3a/ {flower bed}3b) for the father.

叭: (~) “bang” noise

w喇叭: trumpet

w叭儿狗[哈巴狗/獅子狗]: Pekingese dog

巴: (~著) press against; (锅~) rice crust stuck to pan’s bottom; (~著眼) widely opened (eyes); (咀~) mouth; (下~) chin; (~结) butter up; (~士) bus

w下巴: chin

w淋巴: lymph

w小巴: minibus

w哑巴[犯]: a mute

w (巴士/大巴/公交): (big bus/tour bus)

*他(说话)1(结结巴巴)2: He speaks1 (with a stammer)2.

*他说: “我(巴不得有一些假日)1来(轻松/ditto)2一点儿.”: He said: “I (long for some much-needed holidays)1 to (relax/unwind)2 a little.”

*那个人有({双重}1a/{多个[注: 胖的意思]}1b/{凿子}1c/{灰白}1d)的(下巴/ditto)2: That person has ({double}1a/ {multiple}1b/{chiseled}1c/ {grizzled}1d) (jaw/chin)2.

*当那丈夫告诉她他为另一个女人(在离开她)1, 她(痉挛着脸上肌肉愤怒)2(打他一巴掌)3: When the husband told her he was (leaving her)1 for another woman, she (grimaced with anger)2 and (whacked him one)3.

*大(企业捐钱者)1是(人所共知)2在(竞选期间)3经由(慷慨)4(捐献)5来(巴结)6(候选人)7: Big (corporate donors)1 are known2 to (curry favor with)6 candidates7 during (election time)3 through generous4 contributions5.

吧: (~) bang! (noise); (酒~) bar

w有水漕的酒吧台子: wet bar

芭: (~) banana plant

笆: (篱~) fence made of bamboo stick or tree branches

疤: (~痕) scar (of wounds), or crack (of things)

*({婚姻破裂/ditto}1a/{父母之间破裂}1b)时常对一个(孩子的生命)2(留下)3(永久的疤痕)4: ({A marriage breakup/a conjugal breakup}1a/{Parents’ breakup}1b) often leaves3 a (permanent scar)4 on a (child’s life)2.

*他的(生命故事)1有一个(失败的婚姻)2, ({可卡因}3a/{毒品}3b)(过分服用)4, (酗酒)5, (打架)6, 和(跟警察吵架)7的(布满痘疤)8: His (life story)1 was pockmarked8 with a (failed marriage)2, ({cocaine}3a/ {drug }3b) overdoses4, boozing5, brawling6, and (run-ins with police)7.


拔: (~出) pull (out); (~取) conquer (enemy’s cities); (选~) promote (selectively); (~萃) above (crowd)

w鞋拔子: shoehorn

w一毛不拔的人: penny-pincher

*政府在(努力)1去(拔掉/铲除)2 ({街头}3a/{犯罪}3b)(党派)4: The government has been (working hard)1 to (uproot/ ditto)2 ({street}3a/{criminal}3b) gangs4.

*一个六岁的男孩子({拔刀相向}1a/{拔枪相向}1b)一个把他({嘲笑}2a/{扬声嘲笑}2b)的(同学)3: A six-year-old boy ({pulled a knife}1a/{pulled a gun}1b) on a classmate3 for ({taunting}2a/{jeering}2b) him.

*在(娱乐经营场所)1, ({如果你是一个一毛不拔的人}2a/{除非你是给小费豪爽的人}2b), (不要预期)3任何(重要人物)4的({待遇}5a/{服务}5b): In (entertainment premises)1, ({if you are a money pincher}2a/ {unless you are a big tipper}2b), (don’t expect)3 any VIP4 ({treatment}5a/{service}5b).

跋: (~涉) hiking (on mountain)

*人们(长途跋涉/ditto)1来(给于)2这个({去世的}3a/{被杀害的}3b)(新闻工作者/ditto)4他们(最后致敬)5: People (came from miles away/came from afar)1 to pay2 their (last tribute)5 to the ({late}3a/{slain}3b) (journalist/reporter)4.


把: (~) holding (with hand); (~门) guard (door); (~手) a handle; (草~) bundle (of hay); (一~) a handful; (~) causing some one or thing to, e.g., (~他碰倒) cause (him to fall); (个~星期) (a week) and a bit more

拖把: a mop

一把刀子: a knife

一把香蕉: a (bunch/bundle) of bananas

({自行车}1a/{轮椅}1b)把手: ({bicycle}1a/{wheelchair}1b) handlebar

*母亲对女儿说: “去(把你的房间收拾)1一下: The mother said to the daughter: “Go and (tidy up your room)1 a little!”

*他的朋友对他说: “我(认为)1 (你刚做了傻瓜)2用那(陈腔旧套)3的(把上句子)4在那女孩子身上: “(像你这么好的女孩子在这地方干嘛)5?”: His friend said to him: “I think1 you (just made a fool of yourself)2 using that corny3 (pick-up line)4 (“What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?”)5 on that girl”

靶: (~子) target

靶子射击: target shooting


爸: (~~) father

*那(妻子)1说: “({我丈夫的老爸}2a/{我的丈夫/ditto}2b)刚从(医院)3(出来)4.”: The wife1 said: “({My husband’s old man}2a/{My old man/My husband}2b) just (got out of)4 the hospital3.”

罢[罷]: (~) stop; (~了) forget it; (~免) terminate; (说~) finish (talking)

*这些(老师)1对他们(导致)2很多学生(丧失整个学期)3的(罢工/ditto)4(要负上解释责任)5: These teachers1 (have much to answer)5 for in their (strike/work stoppage)4 that has caused2 many students to (lose an entire school term)3.

*(经理的)1在公司的女朋友是一个(掘金)2, (攀高枝)3, (无情)4, (有报复心理)5, 和(卖弄手段来操纵他人)6的女人(不得到所要的不罢休)7: The manager’s1 girlfriend at the office is a gold-digging2, social-climbing3, ruthless4, vindictive5 and manipulative6 woman who (stops at nothing to get what she wants)7.

霸: (~道) bullying

 恶霸: (thug/bully)

*他对他的弟弟说: “你应该(足够早)1(到达)2(表演)3(霸足够座位)4(给我们全部人)5.”: He said to his brother: “You should (get to)2 the show3 (early enough)1 to (hog enough seats)4 (for all of us)5.”

*那(哥哥)1对那(学校小霸王)2说: “我要你(停止/ditto)3(欺负/ditto)4我的(弟弟)5, (你听得到吗)6?”: The (big brother)1 said to the (little school bully)2: “I want you to (lay off/stop)3 (picking on/bullying)4 my (little brother)5. (Do you hear me)6?”

*他说: “当(足球季节)1(在有赛事的日子)2我小弟弟(霸占电视)3去(玩儿)4(多小时)5的(电子游戏)6下我(变到十分气恼)7.”: He said: “I (got annoyed)7 when my little brother (hogged the TV)3 and played4 (video games)6 (for hours)5 (on game days)2 during the (football season)1.”

*(似乎)1(迟早)2我们的(子女)3将会(很可能)4在(校园)5或是(工作地方)6被(恶霸)7(所迫害/ditto)8: It seems1 (sooner or later)2 our children3 will likely4 (fall victim to/fall into the clutches [note: not “clutch”] of)8 bullies7, whether in the schoolyard5 or at the workplace6.

*这些(校园恶霸)1(说话有恐吓性)2和(行为有恐吓性)3但(在一生中)4他们将会(永远毫无成就)5: These (school bullies)1 (talk tough)2 and (act tough)3, but they’ll (never amount to much of anything)5 (in life)4.

*如果所有的(超速者)1和(霸占过多道路份量者)2(永远监禁起来)3(高速公路)4将会(更加/ditto)5(较安全)6: The highway4 would be (way/much/a lot)5 safer6 if all the speeders1 and (road hogs)2 are (locked up for good)3.

坝[壩]: (堤~) embankment


吧: (~) sigh!; (可能~) maybe!

bāi: XXXXX


白: (~色) white; (~费) futile; (清~) cleared up (the truth); (明~) understand; (~字) wrong (word); (~吃) free (meal); (~眼) to slight; (空~) empty; (~天) daytime; (表~) elicit; (~宫) U.S.A. White House

白领: white-collar (workers)

白种人: Caucasian

白牌车: unlicensed taxicab

茭白[茭筍]: wild rice stem

白癜风[白蝕]: scabies

(高尚社会的白种英裔基督徒/ditto): (WASP/white Anglo-Saxon Protestant)

*他(成为)1(白手起家)2(亿万富翁)3(经由)4 (精明的投资)5: He became1 a self-made2 billionaire3 through4 (shrewd investment)5.

*他说: “我(一直)1(表达得很公开坦白对/ditto)2(反对)3我儿子的(事业选择)4为(音乐家)5.”: He said: “I’ve always1 (made no bones [note: not “bone”] about/spoken frankly and openly on)2 my objection3 to my son’s (career choice)4 as a musician5.”

*在(中学)1我(认为)2(我说话时)3(中英文夹白)4是(追上潮流)5和(有教养)6: In (high school)1, I thought2 it was cool5 and sophisticated6 to (mix English with Chinese)4 (when I speak)3.

*他的脸孔({从过度流血}1a/{好像他刚见到真正的鬼魅}1b)如({纸张}2a/{鬼魅}2b)般({苍白}3a/{白}3b): His face was as ({pale}3a/{white}3b) as ({a sheet of paper}2a/{a ghost}2b) ({from excessive loss of blood}1a/{as if he had just seen a real ghost}1b).

*这个(晚上)1(谈话节目)2(主持人的)3(开场独白)4是(机智)5, (滑稽)6, (富娱乐性)7, 和(吸引地讨人欢喜)8: This nighttime1 (talk show)2 host’s3 (opening monologue)4 is witty5, funny6, entertaining7 and engaging8.

*他有(花白)1的({胡子}2a/{头发}2b)和(带着)3({金属丝边的}4a/{钢造边的}4b/{金属边的}4c/{厚边的}4d)(眼镜/ditto)5: He has salt-and-pepper1 ({beard}2a/{hair }2b) and wears3 ({wire-rimmed}4a/ {steel-rimmed}4b/{metal-rimmed}4c/{thick-rimmed}4d) (glasses/eyeglasses/ spectacles)5.

*他说: “当你(声称)1我们(欠你钱)2那是你的(责任/ditto)3去(提供欠债的证据)4而不是(反转方式)5我们要(证明我们的清白)6.”: He said: “When you allege1 that we (owe you the money)2, it is (incumbent on/obligatory upon)3 you to (provide the evidence of indebtedness)4 and not (the other way around)5 that we have to (prove our innocence)6.”

*那(新总裁)1花了些(白费/ditto)2的(努力)3去(把公司扭转)4(在一个时候)5当({公司已经是返魂无术}6a/{那是一点太小太迟了}6b): The (new CEO)1 made some (futile/ wasted)2 efforts3 to (turn the company around)4 (at a time)5 when ({the company was too far gone}6a/{it was a bit too little too late}6b).

*他说: “我只是坐在那里(凝视)1着(试卷)2并({抓着头}3a/ {玩弄着铅笔}3b/{咬着铅笔}3c)但我的(脑子)4({什么也搜索不到}5a/{一片空白}5b).”: He said: “I just sat there staring1 at the (exam papers)2 and ({scratching my head}3a/ {fidgeting with my pencil}3b/ {biting a pencil}3c), but my mind4 ({drew a blank}5a/{went blank}5b).”

*他问道: “你的(表弟)1(做什么为生的)2?” 他的朋友说: “自从他(中途放弃中学)3后我(相信)4他是个(依赖亲戚和朋友慷概为生)5的(职业)6(白吃的人/揩油的人/占便宜的人/ditto)7: He asked: “What does your cousin1 (do for a living)2?” His friend said: “I think4 ever since he (dropped out of high school)3, he has been a professional6 (moocher/sponger/sponge/freeloader)7 that (lives off the generosity of relatives and friends)5.”


摆[擺/襬]: (~放) to place; (~架子) to show other up; (~尾) to wag (tail); (~动) to sway; (~手) wave (hand); (下~) lower portion of a robe

下摆[衫腳]: shirttail

*他说: “四年的大学(帮助我)1(摆脱)2我的(羞怯)3和(获得自信心)4.”: He said: “Four years of college (helped me)1 shed2 my shyness3 and (gained confidence)4.”

*母亲对女儿说: “(晚饭差不多准备好了)1, 去(把碗筷摆好)2.”: The mother said to the daughter: “(Dinner is almost ready)1. Go and (set the table)2.”

*他的(炽热地愤怒)1 (女朋友)2(摆脱)3他(牢牢的紧抓)4(走向)5(出口)6: His steaming-mad1 girlfriend2 (shook off)3 his grip4 and (headed to)5 the exit6.

*那(亿万富翁的)1(豪宅)2里面的(摆设)3是({意料不到地简朴}4a/{有品味地雅致}4b): The decoration3 inside the billionaire’s1 mansion2 is ({surprisingly austere}4a/ {tastefully elegant}4b).

*他终于在(老板)1(摆脱/ditto)2 (酬答他承诺)3(再不能容忍的次数)4后(辞退/ditto)5(他的工作)6: He finally (walked out/quit)5 (his job)6 after his boss1 (wiggled out/wormed out)2 of his (promise to reward him)3 (one too many times)4.

*在(选举前夕)1(不能够了解/ditto)2的(气势转变)3(导致)4 (公众情绪)5(摆动到他的方向)6: An (inexplicable/ incomprehensible/ unexplainable)2 (momentum shift)3 caused4 the (public sentiment)5 to (swing his way)6 in the (eve of the election)1.

*他(跃上高位)1是(成功地)2以(阴谋)3和(谄媚)4(摆弄)5一些(掌权)6的(幼稚)7(行政人员)8的(结果)9: His (rise to the top)1 is the result9 of successful2 maneuver5 through machination3 and flattery4 of some naive7 executives8 (in power)6.

*意大利将(进入)1今年的(世界杯)2(淘汰回合)3有({卫冕}4a/{卷土重来}4b)(冠军)5的(自信)6 (大摇大摆姿态)7: Italy will enter1 this year’s (World Cup)2 (elimination round)3 with the confident6 swagger7 of a ({defending}4a/{returning}4b) champion5.

*他说: “我不能(摆脱)1这({念头我的女朋友是对的}2a/{感觉我的女朋友可能是对的}2b) (离开我)3因为我(不会做一个好的丈夫)4.”: He said: “I cannot shake1 the ({notion that my girlfriend is right}2a/{feeling that my girlfriend could be right}2b) in (leaving me)3 because I (would not make a good husband)4.”

*(工头)1对跟那工人(争论)2(感到厌倦)3向(他粗鲁地大叫)4: “(只要)5(你在这里工作)6(你任由我摆布)7, (你所做的完全)8(照我告诉你的去做)9.”: The foreman1 (got tired of)3 arguing2 with the worker and (barked at)4 him: “(As long as)5 (you work here)6 (I own every bit of you)7, and (you do exactly)8 (what I tell you to do)9.”

*他说: “我(吸烟)1已经有(最近三十年)2, ({那是太迟}3a/{我不能够}3b/{我不要}3c)(摆脱那习惯)4, 如果那(意味)5我将会(跟上帝相遇)6({早了些}7a/ {早过预算}7b), (那是无可奈何)8.”: He said: “I’ve been smoking1 (for the last thirty years)2, and ({it’s too late to}3a/{I can’t}3b/{I don’t want to}3c) (kick the habit)4. If that means5 I’m going to (meet my Maker)6 ({sooner than later}7a/{sooner than expected}7b), (so be it)8.”

百: (~) hundred; (~花齐放) many (flowers blossom up); (~分比) percentage

w一百块钱: (one hundred dollars/a yard[口])

*这(分析员的)1对这公司 (盈利预测)2是(百分之百正确/ditto)3: The analyst’s1 (earnings projection)2 on this company was (bang on/dead on)3.

佰: (~) capital print of “百”

柏: (~油) asphalt; (~树) cypress tree

w柏油路: asphalt-paved road


拜: (~) to bow; (~见) pay homage through visit or presence; (~师) reverent ritual to forge master-follower relationship; (崇~) to revere; (~托) entrust someone to do something

*那女孩子说: “你是个(百万富翁)1, (拜托了/不会吧/ditto)2!: The girl said: “You are a millionaire1! (Are you kidding?/You must be kidding!/PLEASE!)2.”

败[敗]: (打~) defeat; (~坏) mess up

w败者奖品: booby prize (in jest)

*我们的球队被65:64(一线之差比数击败)1: Our team was (nosed out)1 by a 65:64 score.

*他把(公司大大改善)1的(企图)2(彻底失败/ditto)3: He (fell flat on his face/failed utterly)3 in his attempt2 to (turn the company around)1.

*我们在(球赛)1中以3:0 (没有进球结果落败/ditto)2: We were (blanked/shut out)2 3:0 in the game1.

*(败下)1的(哭着)2玛莉(接受)3 (拥抱)4和(祝快乐慰言)5: A tearful2 Mary accepted3 hugs4 and well-wishes5 in defeat1.

*那(计划)1(彻底失敗/ditto)2对(管理层)3是个(极度尴尬)4: The project1 (missed the mark completely/bombed miserably/failed miserably/flopped miserably/fell flat completely/misfired horribly/disintegrated)2 and was a (total embarrassment)4 to management3.

*(对着)1(士气高昂)2的(球队)3我们昨晚(被彻底打败/ditto)4: Against1 a motivated2 team3, we were (utterly creamed/blown out of the water/ rendered a humiliating defeat)4 last night.

*她问: “你(得到跟她约会)1吗?” 他回答道: “不, (我失败了)2!”: She asked: “Did you (get a date with her)1?” He replied: “No, (I struck out [note: refers to failed batting in baseball])2!”

*经过(多年)1的(亏损)2后是(十分明显)3这(营运)4是(注定失败/ditto)5: It is (abundantly clear)3 that after years1 of losses2, this operation4 is (a lost cause/doomed/destined to failure/done for)5.

*他是(软弱对手/ditto)1任何人都可以在(掰腕子)2(击败/ditto)3他: He’s a (pushover/ wimp/cream puff)1 and anyone can (take/beat)3 him in arm-wresting2.

*(时间会告知)1这套(片子)2是否(票房卖座/ditto)3还是(完全失败/ditto)4: (Time will tell)1 whether this film2 is a (blockbuster/hit)3 or a (bust/bomb/total failure/ disaster)4.

*她问道: “ (竞选)1(市长)2(你结果怎么样)3?” 他回答道: “我(遭受)4(大败/ditto)5: She asked: “(How did you do)3 in your running1 for mayor2?” He replied: “I took4 a (beating/ thrashing)5.”

*公司因(缺少资金)1和(管理)2 (无能)3下(摇摇欲倒/面临全盘失败/ditto)4: The company is (floundering/ faltering/on the skids [note: not “skid”])4 under (poor finances)1 and incompetent3 management2.

*她说: “我昨晚在(客人)1面前(觉得尴尬)2因为(我做的晚餐)3是一个(全盘)4的(失败/ditto)5.”: She said: “I (felt embarrassed)2 in front of our guests1 last night because the (dinner that I prepared)3 was a total4 (flop/failure)5.”

*当他知道被一个(更值得(胜利)的)1(竞争对手)2(打败)3时他(撤回)4(购买)5公司的(企图)6: He withdrew4 the bid6 to purchase5 the company when he knew he was licked3 by a (more worthy)1 opponent2.

*她因(一再)1当她(不胜出)2(表示怨恨)3被(形容/ditto)4为(酸溜溜)5的(失败者)6: She is (depicted/described/ portrayed)4 as a sore5 loser6 for repeatedly1 (showing bitterness)3 when she (didn’t win)2.

*他(能够)1({欣然面对/ditto}2a/ {忍受/ditto}2b/{适当处理/ditto}2c)(失败/ditto)3的(痛楚)4: He (was able to)1 ({bear up to/stay cheerful to}2a/{hold up to/endure}2b/{cope with/ deal with}2c) the pain4 of (losing/failure)3.

*昨晚比赛(主队)1以110 : 73 (压倒性的比数)2({压倒性战果}3a/{轻易取胜}3b)(被击败/ditto)4: Last night’s game was a ({rout}3a/{romp}3b) as the (home team)1 (was beaten/lost out/was drubbed/was brought down to its knees)4 by an (overwhelming score)2 of 110 : 73.

*那(强大/ditto)1的(零售商)2来到一个(新市场)3便(简单地)4把(对手)5(彻底摧毁/大败/ditto)6: The (mighty/powerful/ almighty)1 retailer2 comes to a (new market)3 and simply4 (runs over/devastates/ bulldozes/steamrolls)6 competition5.

*他们的(球队队长)1说: “(让我们)2(出去)3({把他们打败}4a/{把他们彻底打败/ditto}4b)}”: Their (team captain)1 said: “Let’s2 (go out)3 and ({clobber them}4a/{blow them out of the water/make mincemeat out of them/trounce them/cream them/ thrash them/slaughter them/ crush them//beat the socks off them/mop the floor with them}4b).”

*经过(几个星期)1的(热烈会议)2, 那(合并谈判)3在(接着的)4一个月(逐渐淡化下终于失败/ditto)5: After (several weeks)1 of (intense meetings)2, the (merger talk)3 (fizzled/died out/petered out)5 in the ensuing4 month.

*(不论)1(你怎么有料子)2(以屈就的语气)3来跟(博学自信)4的(客户)5来(说话)6将只会(遭受彻底挫败)7: (No matter)1 (how good you are)2, speaking6 to sophisticated4 clients5 (in a condescending tone)3 will only (blow up in your face)7.

*他是({充溢着}1a/{散发出}1b) (自信心)2会(大方毫不抱怨地 )3(接受)4({批评}5a/{拒绝}5b/{挫败}5c): He is ({exuberant with}1a/{beaming with}1b) self-confidence2 and would take4 ({criticism}5a/ {rejection}5b/{defeat}5c) with (good grace)3.

*他说: “如果你从一个女人(要一些东西)1, (要求)2(相反的)3你一定会(得到你所要的)4, (那永远不会失败)5.”: He said: “If you (want something)1 from a woman, ask2 for the opposite3 and you’ll (get what you want)4. (It never fails)5.”

*他说: “我今天下午跟你的(哥哥)1有一场(网球)2(比赛/ ditto)3.” 她回答道: “我肯定他将会把你(大败/ditto)4: He said: “I have a tennis2 (game/match)3 with your brother1 this afternoon.” She replied: “I bet he’s going to (kick your butt/kick your ass/decimate you/destroy you/beat you bad [口]/flatten you)4.”

*我们的(球队)1被(同组的)2(首要对手)3以7:0的({巨大的}4a/{羞辱的}4b/{大败}4c) (比数)5(彻底打败/ditto)6: Our team1 was (thumped/whipped/trounced/thrashed/walloped/hammered/slaughtered/annihilated/beaten decisively)6 by the division2 (arch rival)3 for a ({blowout}4a/{humiliating}4b /{wipeout}4c) score5 of 7:0.

*他说: “在(全场赛事)1我(匹配在位的校际网球冠军)2(一拍一拍有来有往)3只是在(炽热的战斗)4(出来结果败下)5.”: He said: “I (matched the reigning intercollegiate tennis champion)2 (stroke for stroke)3 (through the game)1 only to (come out at the losing end)5 of the (heated battle)4.”

*(差劣)1的(执行)2和({预料不到的问题/ditto}3a/{不合时宜错误}3b)(导致)4(良好设计)5的(扩展计划)6(彻底失败/ditto)7: Poor1 execution2 and ({unforeseen problems/ unanticipated problems}3a/ {untimely mistakes}3b) caused4 the well-designed5 (expansion plan)6 to (fail miserably/go down in flames)7.

*他的朋友说: “你(真的以为)1你能够在(乒乓球)2(打败我)3吗?” 他说: “(不要幽默我了)4, 打败你是像(从小婴儿夺糖果)5.”: His friend said: “Do you (really think)1 you can (beat me)3 in table-tennis2?” He said: “(Don’t humor me)4. Beating you is like (taking candy from a baby)5.”

*(不论)1怎么(看它/ditto)2这(六十年代)3(唱歌)4({轰动人物的}5a/{表表女歌星}5b)的(复古演奏会)6是(彻底的失败/ditto)7: (No matter)1 how you (cut it/slice it/look at it)2, the 60s3 singing4 ({sensation’s}5a/ {diva’s}5b) (retro concert)6 was a (total failure/total bust/train wreck/a turkey)7.

*那(大力宣扬/ditto)1的(满地可博览会体育场)2(到头来是)3一个(壮观的失败/ditto)4使加拿大(纳税人)5(损失)6(超过十亿元)7: The (well-publicized/ much ballyhooed)1 (Montreal Expo Stadium)2 (turned out to be)3 a (white elephant/ spectacular flop)4 that cost6 Canadian taxpayers5 (over a billion dollars)7.

*我们(大学的球队)1最近({惨败/ditto}2a/{每况愈下连串败仗}2b/{一阵子连串落败}2c/{陷入消沉}2d)(连续)3(输掉十场比赛)4: Our (college’s team)1 recently has ({tanked/ gone into the tank/failed miserably}2a/{gone into a losing skid}2b/{gone into a losing streak}2c/{gone into a slump}2d) and (lost ten games)4 (in a row)3.

*(他那个案)1的(快速)2(花光)3 (家族财富)4(那程度)5(蛮像)6 (圣经的)7(败家子)8(故事)9, (除了没有)10(令人快意)11的(悔改结局)12: (His case)1 (was much like)6 the biblical7 (Prodigal Son)8 story9 (to the extent)5 that he blew3 the (family fortune)4 (in no time at all)2, (except there was no)10 feel-good11 (ending of repentance)12.

*这个(网球球员)1是一个({欣然接受失败的人/ditto}2a/{优秀行为好榜样}2b)当(遭受一场败仗)3不会(埋怨裁判)4或是(制造借口)5: This (tennis player)1 is a ({good sport/real sport}2a/{class act}2b), and (does not complain against officiating)4 or (make excuses)5 when he (loses a match)3.

*他说: “我们(公司领导人的)1(英明提议)2去(创立)3一个(给播放私人拍摄录影)4的(网站)5(发觉)6很多其他人已经(抢先他一步)7后(失败了)8 .”: He said: “Our (company leader’s)1 (brilliant idea)2 to (set up)3 a website5 (for broadcasting home videos)4 (went down the tube)8 after finding out many others had (beat him to the punch)7.”

*他说: “我们的经理时常(提出)1({注定失败不切实际}2a/{不实际}2b)的(念头)3, (若果)4它们(行不通)5时我们便(被责怪/ditto)6(实行不当)7.”: He said: “Our manager always (comes up with)1 ({harebrained}2a/ {impractical}2b) ideas3, and we (get blamed/are blamed)6 for (poor execution)7 if4 they (don’t work)5.”

*(诈骗专家)1向(粗心大意)2的(受害者)3(兜售)4(承诺)5使他们(一夜致富)6({不会失败/ditto}7a/{毫无风险}7b)的(计划)8而(从中获利)9: (Scam artists)1 have (profited from)9 peddling4 ({sure-fire/ foolproof/infallible}7a/{risk-free}7b) schemes8 to unwary2 victims3 that promise5 to (take them from rags to riches overnight)6.

*(不友善的生意环境)1, (有限赊账的门路)2, ({毫不留情}3a/ {剧烈/ditto}3b)的(竞争)4, 和(苛重税收)5是 (导致)6(这行业)7(高失败率)8的(其中一些原因)9: (A hostile business environment)1, (limited access to credit)2, ({cutthroat}3a/ {intense/stiff/vigorous}3b) competition4, and (high taxes)5 are (some of the reasons)9 that (lead to)6 (a high mortality rate)8 in (this industry)7.

*在(最近)1的(选举)2那(似乎是无敌)3的(在任市长)4(终于)5 (遇到他的滑铁卢/遭遇惨败)6 (选民大量出来)7(确定)8他的(政治)9({终止}10a/{悲惨结果}10b): The (seemingly invincible)3 (incumbent mayor)4 finally5 (met his Waterloo/ditto)6 in the last1 election2 as (voters came out in droves)7 to seal8 his political9 ({demise}10a/{fate}10b).

*在(访问)1中那(赢得冠军)2的(寂寂无名)3(业余)4(参赛者)5说: “像我(一个普通人/ditto)6在今天(打败/ditto)7世界上(玩扑克牌最顶尖的人)8是(蛮好的感觉)9.”: The no-name3 amateur4 player5 that (won the championship)2 said in the interview1: “It was a (great feeling)9 for (an ordinary Joe/a commoner/man in the street)6 like me to (knock out/beat/ defeat)7 the (greatest poker players)8 in the world today.”

*安然的({内爆}1a/{可耻的彻底失败}1b/{丑闻}1c)(提出疑问)2于(企业管治的执行)3, (审计师的独立性)4, (董事的效用)5, (银行家的道德标准)6, 及(管理层的崇高道德标准)7: The Enron ({implosion}1a/ {fiasco}1b/{scandal}1c) (raises questions)2 on (enforcement of corporate governance)3, (independence of auditors)4, (effectiveness of directors)5, (ethics of bankers)6, and (integrity of management)7.

*你四十岁的(姐姐)1去(找丈夫)2是(注定失败/ditto)3因为她不止是要(“一个任何男人”)4而是要那个具备(一切/ditto)5的(“那个男人”)6: (外表)7, (金钱)8, (地位)9和(好脾气)10: Your forty-year-old sister1 is (a lost cause/doomed to failure)3 in (finding a husband)2 because she doesn’t want just (“a man”)4, but “the man” with (the whole ball of wax/the whole shebang/ everything)5 - looks7, money8, status9, and good nature10.

*这公司的(管理层)1(有倾向)2以 ({过去错误}3a/{最近的错误}3b)来(判断)4每一个员工, (失败的恐惧)5可能(解释)6(员工之中)7的(普遍)8(不愿意)9({尝试一些新东西}10a/{采取自发性}10b): Management1 of this company (tends to)2 judge4 each employee by his ({past mistakes}3a/{last mistake}3b), and the (fear of failure)5 may explain6 a general8 reluctance9 (among the staff)7 to ({try something new}10a/{take initiatives}10b).

*他问道: “你(肯定)1可以把这(不可能的)2(任务)3(办妥)4吗?” 她(充满信心地)5说: “(让我告诉你这个)6, ({在我的世界失败不是一个选择}7a/{在我的字典“不可能”这个字不存在}7b): He asked: “Are you sure1 you can get this impossible2 job3 done4?”. She said confidently5: “(Let me tell you this)6, ({failure is not an option in my world}7a/{the word “impossible” does not exist in my dictionary}7b).”






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