体育活动和学术难平衡?燎原英文部高中不这么认为 !
撰文 | Jennifer
编辑 | 孙天阳
Sports are very popular among students here in Liaoyuan High School English Division, and has become an integral part of the school’s well-rounded education. The Division integrates PE classes with sports electives, aiming to promote physical and developmental benefits of sports for students and also positively impact academic performance.
For years, the Division has been offering a variety of sports in PE classes and electives as well. Foreign and Chinese PE teachers work together to teach students sports skills. With the joint efforts of teachers and students, sports teams and clubs start and flourish: basketball, soccer, badminton, table tennis, volleyball, tennis, dance, yoga, rugby, hockey, kendo, chess, to name just a few.

▲ 丰富多彩的燎原体育活动
The PE curriculum is set to enhance the regular sports skills and introduce some new sports which are widely played in western countries. Students are given opportunities to play different ball games and acquire basic skills. When the Division recognizes exceptional individuals, it will help these students reach their true potential by organizing professional teams, scheduling drills, providing opportunities for them to play games with other schools.
▲ 羽毛球队战绩赫赫
就在10月27日刚刚结束的与融育北美学校的三场比赛中,燎原的三支校队均胜出,赛果可贺。同学们切磋球技,分享经验,还交到了很多朋友。前燎原足球队队长Mike Lu说过,“在比赛中双方队员都十分的友好,不管是对方还是我方的犯规,队员们都前去搀扶,这也体现出了比赛的基本规则——友谊第一,比赛第二!”
Now, Liaoyuan’s basketball, soccer and badminton school teams are participating in the International School Sports League and playing with several schools in Shanghai.
In the recent game which took place on October 27, Liaoyuan students won all the matches. When playing with other schools, Liaoyuan students can exhibit their skills, show shared experience, and also make friends. Mike Lu, the former captain of Liaoyuan soccer team, wrote in an article, “We played in a very friendly way. Each time someone fouled and fell, people from both teams would run to the person and cheered for him. We cared more about friends than the results of the game.”
▲ 燎原足球精英们
体育运动的魅力更体现在团队精神,在团队里,同学们齐心协力向一个目标迈进。除此以外,在运动中大家互相配合,互相欣赏,包容。正如前燎原篮球队Jeff Lin所说的:“正是团队篮球,让我们真正的凝聚到了一起。”
The positive impact of the sports is team spirit. In the team, students set out to cooperate for one goal. Besides, they support each other, tolerate mistakes and cheer for every single nice shot. “It is the team basketball which bring us together.” emphasized Jeff Lin, the former player of Liaoyuan basketball team, in his account of one game.
▲ 篮球场上的青春朝气
So, what positive impact have sports had on academic education? Students too busy with sports to study? Not at all. The impact on education is positive. The Division’s teachers and students reach a consensus that various kinds of sports games serve the purpose of helping students unleash their energy in a positive way, building up a strong mind and a healthy body, and improve their ability to focus and persist. Obviously, these are exactly the same qualities students need in their academic development.
来自11-4班的Joe, Eric、Gina、Nic、Raymond、Kevin,分别在羽毛球校队和足球校队效力,他(她)们均在学习高难度的AP课程。其中,Joe、Eric和Raymond还曾代表学校参加过“当代企业家”商赛取得了优异成绩。
Let’s look at the players in Liaoyuan’s three sports teams. They are not only good at sports, participate in extracurricular activities, but also excel in subjects. Plus, some of them are actively engaged in social activities. G11-4 Joe, Eric, Gina, Nic, Raymond and Kevin, who play in the badminton team or the soccer team, are challenging themselves with AP courses. Joe, Eric and Raymond participated in a business competition.
▲ 羽毛球获奖团队
Eric and Raymond won the first and second prizes in Literature Essay Contest in 2017-18 Year.
G11-2 Daniel plays well in the basketball team and also takes on responsibility as one of the Division’s SRC captains.
G11-2 Peter, captain of the badminton team, performs guitar on many occasions.
往届篮球队主力Jeff Lin、Louis Liu和足球队主力Tom Gao不仅球技高,学习成绩还很突出,在AP考试中取得好成绩,也在戏剧表演中大放异彩,并且荣获学校优秀学生的称号……
When studying in Liaoyuan ,previous team players Jeff Lin, Louis Liu and Tom Gao played an important role in their teams, and also studied AP courses, got good AP scores, performed in drama shows, and also were awarded honors.
It’s our goal that the Division places emphasis on academic performance, and at the same time do more to improve student wellbeing. Sports are one of the best approaches to achieve the goals.
It is essential that in Liaoyuan students are healthy physically and mentally, which will motivate them to do better in class.
It’s our belief that these qualities they acquired while studying in Liaoyuan will sustain them throughout their life times.
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