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杏彩体育2年前 (2022-12-14)网球资讯100


(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

(中文翻译: 很多句子构造中英文很大差异, 这里是着重解释英文每一个字, 所以翻译是逐个字来翻译, 不着重中文的通顺)


【学习步骤: (1) 英文单词在紧接片语什么意思? (2) 从中文句子塑造语境, 用英文表达并背熟英文句子; (3) 反复温习】

makeup (makeup of the Board of Directors) (n.) 组成(董事会的组成)


The makeup of the Board of Directors must be half-and-half between men and women.

consumer (understand consumers’ needs) (n.) 消费者(理解消费者的需求)


Managers today must understand consumers’ behaviors and needs with surgical precision.

well-known (well-known women’s rights activist) (adj.) 著名的(著名的女权积极分子)

苏珊安东尼, 最著名的女权积极分子,把性别不平等的议题带到前列

Susan B. Anthony, the most well-known women’s rights activist, brought the issue of sexual inequality to the forefront.

sister (his sister said to him “Thank you for remembering my birthday”) (n.) 姐姐(姐姐对他说: “谢谢你记得我的生日.”)

姐姐对他说: “谢谢你记得我的生日。你像蜜糖一样甜”

His sister said to him: “Thank you for remembering my birthday. You’re as sweet as honey.”

lawyer (this lawyer is a shyster) (n.) 律师(这个律师是一个没有道德的状棍)


A business associate has told me this lawyer is a shyster [口] and cannot be trusted.

street (Christmas lights on the street) (n.) 街上(街上圣诞的灯火)


Christmas lights and decorations on the street lend color to holiday atmosphere of this city.

opening (ten minutes into the opening round) (n.) 第一个(第一个回合开始十分钟)


The reigning boxing champion knocked the challenger out with a left hook ten minutes into the opening round.

clothe (fashion clothes) (n.) 衣服(时装衣服)


Her self-designed fashion clothes are truly fantastic, and have been the talk of her social circle.

dinosaur (archeologist found deposits of dinosaur fossils) (n.) 恐龙(考古学家找到恐龙化石矿床)


Archeologists found rich deposits of dinosaur fossils in Sichuan, China.

drag one’s heels (drag their heels sending applications) (ph.) 拖延(拖延呈递申请)


High school soon-to-be graduates should not drag their heels sending in their college admission applications. tall (this kid is as tall as a tree) (adj.) 高(这个孩子和树一样高)


At a young age of 10, this kid is as tall as a tree.

in front of (husband is timid in front of his wife) (ph.) 面前(在他妻子面前丈夫胆小)


In front of his intimidating wife, this husband is timid as a mouse.

spend (spends money quickly and lavishly) (v.) 花(花钱又快又多)


He spends money quickly and lavishly like there is no tomorrow.

(备注: “spend money like there’s no tomorrow”是“花钱又多又快”)

tough-as-nail (a tough-as-nail sergeant) (adj.) 像钉子一样硬朗的(一位像钉子一样硬朗的中士)


Twenty soldiers take orders from a tough-as-nail sergeant.

jazz (and all that jazz) (n.) 等等(等等)

那的过重孩子违抗性地说: “痴肥导致心脏问题, 高血压, 气喘, 等等. 是吗?”

The overweight kid said defiantly, “Obesity leads to heart problems, high blood pressure, shortage of breath, and all that jazz. Is that right?”

complacent (complacent in familiar grooves) (adj.) 自满(在熟悉惯常习惯自满)

人们本性是在他们的熟悉惯常习惯感到自满, 并是畏惧转变

People by nature feel complacent in their familiar grooves and are apprehensive of changes.

song (award-winning song) (n.) 歌曲(获奖歌曲)


She sang the Grammy Award-winning song as an orchestra provided the background music.

program (witness protection program) (n.) 计划(证人保护计划)


He assumed a new identity under the witness protection program after he testified against the mob boss in court.

has-been (has-been Hollywood heartthrob) (n.) 曾经一度的(曾经一度的好莱坞万人迷)


This has-been Hollywood heartthrob is now a hoary old man.

email (an email attachment) (n.) 电子邮件(一个电子邮件附件)


When you open an email attachment inadvertently, it could release a Trojan horse virus and cripple your computer.

tough as nail (life is tough as nails in this poor country) (adj.) 像钉子一样艰难(在这个贫穷的国家生活像钉子一样艰难)


Life is tough as nails in this poor country.

sin (girlfriend is ugly as sin) (n.) 罪恶(女朋友长得像罪恶一样丑)


His girlfriend is ugly as sin with a personality to match.

white (face was white as snow) (adj.) 白(脸像雪一样白)


This sick girl’s face was white as snow.

grandfather (grandfather is wise as an owl) (n.) 祖父(祖父像猫头鹰一样聪明)


His grandfather is wise as an owl.

mother (child is the apple of the mother’s eye) (n.) 母亲(孩子是母亲最喜爱的)


Every child is the apple of the mother’s eye.

smudge (reputation is smudged) (v.) 被玷污了(名声被玷污了)


Reputation of the once respected movie idol is smudged after he was alleged to be embroiled in a year-ago sex scandal.

yearly (yearly we hold a party) (adv.) 每年(每年我们举行派对)


Yearly we hold a Christmas office party.

high-five (her victory was met with high-fives) (n.) 击掌(她在的获胜获得击掌)


Her victory in the championship match was met with cheers, applause, high-fives, backslapping, and standing ovations from the spectators.

dramatic (dramatic ascent up the corporate ladder) (adj.) 突然巨大(在公司阶梯突然巨大高升)


His diligence and business acumen account for his dramatic ascent up the corporate ladder.

sack (sack dissenters) (v.) 排除(排除异见者)


On assumption of power, the new CEO began to sack dissenters.

blue (I felt blue over holidays) (adj.) 忧郁(假期使我感到忧郁)


Being alone in a foreign country, I felt blue over holidays.

build (he is built like a brick-house) (v.) 长(他长得像个砖房)


He is built like a brick-house with a gigantic frame.

two left feet (I can’t dance because I have two left feet) (ph.) 笨手笨脚(我不能跳舞因为我笨手笨脚)


I can’t dance because I have two left feet.

sit up (I sat up in bed) (ph. v.) 坐起来(我从床上坐起来)


When the alarm clock rang, I sat up in bed to look at the time.

mean everything (youth and beauty mean everything for her) (ph.) 是一切(对她来说青春和美貌是一切)

一个成功的女演员十分清楚知道在短暂的演艺事业, 对她来说青春和美貌是一切

A successful actress knows only too well that in the short-lived acting career, youth and beauty mean everything for her.

charm (charmed many fans) (v.) 迷倒(迷倒许多粉丝)


Cruise has charmed and won over many fans with his iconic smile.

attraction (tourist attraction) (n.) 胜地(吸引游客胜地)


This village’s majestic ancestral temple is a popular tourist attraction.

worth (diamond ring is well worth it) (v.) 值得(钻石戒指是非常值得)


He said: “This diamond ring cost me dearly, but it’s well worth it to win over my girlfriend.”

border (China shares borders with 16 countries) (n.) 边界(中国与16个国家有共同边界)


China is located in Asia, and it shares borders with 16 countries.

unmarried (she is unmarried) (adj.) 独身(她是独身)


At the age of 35, she is still unmarried.

sit-up (I do sit-ups to keep fit) (n.) 仰卧起坐(我做仰卧起坐来保持健康)


Every day, I do fifty sit-ups to keep fit.

penchant (penchant for writing) (n.) 爱好(对写作的爱好)


My penchant for writing rubbed off on my son, and he has become an excellent writer.

walking (foreman is a walking dictionary) (adj.) 活生生(工头是活生生字典)


The foreman is a walking dictionary of this factory.

subject (philosophy subject) (n.) 科目(哲学科目)


The philosophy subject is Greek to me.

movie star (movie star acts tough on the silver screen) (n. ph.) 电影明星(电影明星在大银幕上表演得很刚硬)

这位电影明星在大银幕上表演得很刚硬, 但在现实生活中他却是个很温柔的人

This movie star acts tough on the silver screen, but he is a softie in real life.

lease (expiry of the lease) (n.) 租约(租约期满)


The landlord gave us a ninety-day evacuation notice in advance before the expiry of the lease.

team (legal team) (adj.) 队伍(法律队伍)


The defendant has assembled the best legal team money can buy in his corner.

scientist (scientist’s discovery) (adj.) 科学家(科学家的发现)


This young scientist’s discovery was an important scientific breakthrough.

prey (lowlife that preys on unwary investors) (v.) 蒙受灾害(卑鄙小人使缺乏戒心投资者蒙受灾害)

他说: “很感激地这个使缺乏戒心投资者蒙受灾害的没有道德卑鄙小人现在坐牢.”

He said: “Thankfully this unconscionable lowlife that preys on unwary investors is now behind bars.”

person (price of $23.99 per person) (n.) 个人(以每个人23.99元)


At this all-you-can-eat buffet, you can feast to your heart’s delight one-hundred-plus selections of exotic dishes at a bargain price of $23.99 per person.

envy (he was green with envy) (n.) 羡慕(他羡慕得脸孔变绿)


He was green with envy every time he saw someone driving a better car than his.

in the works (construction is in the works) (ph.) 进行中(建筑在进行中)


Construction of a new wing for this local children’s hospital is in the works.

upend (strike upended the start of academic year) (v.) 搞乱(罢工搞乱学年的开始)


The teachers’ strike upended the start of local high-school’s academic year by a week.

in seventh heaven (he was in seventh heaven) (ph.) 兴奋得如在九霄(他兴奋得如在九霄)


He was in seventh heaven when the girl of his dream agreed to go out with him.

venerate (venerated movie idol) (v.) 受人尊敬的(受人尊敬的电影偶像)


Reputation of the once venerated movie idol is smudged after he was alleged to be embroiled in a year-ago sex scandal.

passionate (get passionate with women) (adj.) 动情(对女人动情)


He gets passionate with women and hits on them when he is drunk.

mess (unmanageable mess) (n.) 一团糟(不可收拾的一团糟)

那新经理说: “前度的管理把不可收拾的一团糟留下给我们, 我们只有竭尽做我们所能后顺其自然.”

The new manager said: “The former management has left us with an unmanageable mess. We will just do our best and let the chips fall where they may.”

hand (hand a hundred-dollar note to his son) (v.) 递给(把一百元纸币递给他儿子)


He took out a wad of dollar bills, peeled off a hundred-dollar note, and handed it to his son.

liposuction (cosmetic surgery such as liposuction) (n.) 抽取脂肪(整容手术例如抽取脂肪)

女人是伪装的能手当意味遮掩他们的年纪经由整容手术例如拉面皮, 肚子抽取脂肪, 隆胸, 激光除毛, 鼻子整形, 和皱纹治理

Women are masters of disguise when it comes down to hiding their age through cosmetic surgery such as facelift, liposuction, breast enlargement, laser hair removal, nose job, and wrinkle treatment.

take out (he was taking his girlfriend out to a movie) (ph. v.) 带/去外(他带他的女朋友去外看电影)

他的弟弟知道他带他的女朋友去外看电影问他能否跟随一起去. 他说: “对不起, 两人刚好成伴不要做电灯泡的第三个.”

His younger brother knew he was taking his girlfriend out to a movie and asked if he could tag along. He said: “Sorry, two’s company, three’s a crowd.”

heart of a lion (nurse has the heart of a lion) (n.) 狮子般勇敢的心(护士有一颗狮子般勇敢的心)


This nurse has the heart of a lion.

music to one’s ears (the word “money” is music to my ears) (ph.) 在我听来就像音乐般悦耳(“钱”这个字在我听来就像音乐般悦耳)


The word “money” is music to my ears.

red (face turned red with anger) (n.) 红(脸因愤怒而变红)


His face turned red with anger.

stage (world is a stage) (n.) 舞台(世界是一个舞台)


The world is a stage and you have to perform with a sense of purpose.

complex (hospital complex) (n.) 综合大楼(医院综合大楼)


The new east wing is an addition to the hospital complex.

controversial (say controversial things) (adj.) 争议性的(说争议性的东西)


This starlet knows how to angle for publicity by wearing sexy clothes and saying controversial things in public.

hobble (hobbling a little) (v.) 一拐一拐(走路时一拐一拐)

他一足踝扭伤了, 现在走路时一拐一拐

He has sprained an ankle and is now hobbling a little.

suppose (she was supposed to work the night shift) (v.) 应该份内(她应该份内工作夜班)


She was supposed to work night on her wedding anniversary, but the supervisor gave her the night off to celebrate with her husband.

ratio (the ratio is about 3:2) (adv.) 比率(比率是大概三比二)


The ratio for boys to girls in this class is approximately 3:2.

stack (a stack of hundred-dollar chips) (n.) 大堆(一大堆一百元的筹码)


After a streak of winning hands, suddenly he had a stack of hundred-dollar chips in front of him.

sailor (swear like a drunken sailor) (n.) 水手(像喝醉的水手一样说粗言秽语)


After a few drinks, she can swear like a drunken sailor.

frontline (frontline medical staff) (n.) 前线(前线医务人员)


Frontline medical staff fighting the epidemic are courageous and magnanimous.

baby (mother babies her) (v.) 细心照顾(母亲细心照顾她)


My wife’s mother babies her as if she were still an infant.

complete (completing a bachelor’s degree) (v.) 完成(完成学士学位)


After completing a bachelor’s degree in the undergraduate program, he continued to postgraduate programs for a master’s and doctorate degrees.

TV (turn the TV a bit louder) (n. ph.) 电视(把电视开稍微大声一点)

他的妻子对他喊道:“把电视开稍微大声一点, 我一点儿也听不到”

His wife shouted to him, “Turn the TV a bit louder. I can’t hear a thing.”

packed (packed house of supporters) (adj.) 挤满(挤满一堂支持者)


The party leader spoke to a packed house of staunch supporters in downtown Toronto earlier today as he kicked off his election campaign.

common law (common law partners) (n. ph.) 普通法(普通法伴侣)


This unmarried couple, who have been living together for quite some time, can be aptly described as “common law partners”.

painstaking (was painstaking in gathering clues) (adj.) 煞费苦心地(煞费苦心地收集线索)


The detectives were painstaking and meticulous in gathering clues and evidence in the murder crime scene.

shine (this student shines academically) (v.) 是杰出(这学生在学业上是杰出)


This student shines academically and athletically.

rub elbows (powerful individuals rub elbows with politicians) (ph.) 交往(有势人士跟政客交往之所)


This exclusive yacht club is where corporate rich-and-powerful individuals rub elbows with politicians who do their bidding.

security guard (security guard in the racetrack) (n. ph.) 保安(赛马场的保安)

赛马场的一名保安向人群喊道: “退后,让马过去.”

A security guard in the racetrack shouted to the crowd: “Step back and let the horses through.”

racecourse (wagering at racecourses) (n.) 赛马场(赛马场的投注额)


Wagering at Hong Kong racecourses is among the highest in the world.

certificate (investment certificate) (n.) 证券(投资证券)


The investment certificate is backed by the guarantee of a major bank.

poker (won two poker tournaments) (n.) 扑克(赢了两场扑克锦标赛)


He won two major poker tournaments back to back.

wing (east wing to the hospital complex) (n.) 翼(东翼医院综合大楼)


The new east wing is an addition to the hospital complex.

keen (keen environmental activist) (adj.) 热心的(热心的环保行动主义者)


He is a keen environmental and humanitarian activist.

spectacular (spectacular ascent up the corporate ladder) (adj.) 壮观的(在公司阶梯壮观的高升)


His diligence and business acumen account for his spectacular ascent up the corporate ladder.

address (the business plan addresses many issues) (v.) 处理(那业务计划处理多问题)


The business plan is a dog’s breakfast by trying to address too many complicated issues all at once.

suit (put on a clown suit to a formal party) (n.) 套装(穿上小丑套装去一个隆装晚会)

他说: “根据你的建议,我穿上小丑套装去一个隆装晚会, 你故意误导我吗?”

He said: “I put on a clown suit to a formal party on your advice. Did you mislead me on purpose?”

hang out (hang out a bit in the mall) (ph. v.) 逛(在那大型商场一会)

他说: “让我们在那大型商场逛一会才停留去一些美好食物在一间价钱昂贵餐厅.”

He said: “Let’s hang out a bit in the mall before we settle into some fine dining at a fancy restaurant.”

back off (told the bully to back off) (ph. v.) 退后(叫恶霸退后)

他叫恶霸退后, 否则他会反击

He told the bully to back off or he would fight back.

back talk (don’t want back talk from you) (n. ph.) 顶嘴(不想你的顶嘴)


He said to his daughter: “I don’t want any back talk from you, young lady. I’m your father and I deserve some respect.”

back (this sedan can sit three at the back) (n.) 后面(这轿车可以坐三个人在后面)


This sedan can sit two passengers at the front and three at the back.

gunfire (gunfire broke out) (n.) 枪声(枪声突然发生)

当枪声突然发生时, 警察要求后援

When gunfire broke out, the police officers called for backups.

getaway (getaway car) (n.) 逃跑(逃跑车)


The bank robbers abandoned their getaway car after it hit a lamppost and got away on foot.

quarrel (the two lovers quarrel) (v.) 争吵(这对恋人争吵)

这对恋人时常争吵, 但后来他们很快和好了

The two lovers quarrel all the time, but they quickly make up afterwards.

endeavor (assiduous in their endeavors) (n.) 努力(在他们的努力是勤奋)


Public servants are supposed to be assiduous in their endeavors to serve the public first and their personal interests second.

warm (unseasonably warm weather) (adj.) 温暖(反常的温暖天气)


A bout of unseasonably warm weather and persistent shower have turned the road leading to my house into a muddy track.

dud (screening should separate the duds from the studs) (n.) 庸才(筛选应该分离庸才从精英)


Screening to recruit new staff should separate the duds from the studs.

tire (front tire) (n.) 轮胎(前轮胎)


The front tire on the driver side was punctured by a sharp object.


1. 看英文单词,看随着单词的片语,看知不知道单词什么意思。

2. 不知道的,便看看在同一行稍后的中文了解单词和片语是什么意思。

3. 看下面的中文句子,塑造出语境,想象英文怎么说;第一两次不懂的,反复以中文句子为提示,塑造语境,背熟英文句子。




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