三分钟,看懂三角进攻 | 篮球战术体系 | The Triangle Offense |
Here are the basics: the initial ball handler, player A can pass to player D, while cutting to the right corner, or if the defense blocks that lane, pass to player E while cutting to the left corner.
block /blɒk/ vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;封盖,在篮球领域,这个词常用于防守,比如封盖投篮、封堵切入、封堵传球路线等
lane /leɪn/ 航线;车道;罚球区。在篮球领域,可以理解为某个区域、路线。如,罚球区 Free throw lane, 传球路线 passing lane
Then B sets a screen for D, so he can swing around to the low post, while E passes to C, the result is the triangle of players. From here, the ball can move to the corner, the post, or can be swung around the arc, to create a new triangle.
Set a screen 作掩护/做挡拆,介词用 on,挡拆常用一个不太正式的说法,叫Pick and roll,即做掩护,然后转身切向篮下
low post 低位,篮下两侧,中锋常在此区域要球,背身单打
Our question is: when the triangle offense works, why is it so successful? First, movement. The triangle relies on constant movement of not just the ball, and the player without the ball.
A 30-Mile an hour pass, travels 15 feet in about a third of a second, three times faster than a player on the run.
Second, space. Ideally, players are spread 15-20 feet apart, this keeps passing lanes and cutting lanes open, and any double team means that a defender moves at least 15 feet away from his assignment.
double team 双人包夹防守,比较有侵略性的一种防守方式
ones assignment 即,某位防守队员指定的盯防对象
This benefits a shooter because when a player is playing tight D (defense) within 3 feet of the offensive player, the expected shooting percentage decreases by approximately 12 percentage points.
Play D 防守,D 常用于比赛解说,是Defense的缩写,例如:好防守,即 Good D
Play tight D 即死死盯防,贴防
Finally, versatility. Ideally, in the triangle offense any player can pass or shoot at any time. So consider the mathematical possibilities, the maximum flight time of a long pass 45 feet across court at about 30 miles per hour is roughly 1 second, the fastest player can catch a pass and get a shot off is twenty-two hundredth of a second as recorded by Jason Kapono in the sport science lab.
最后,灵活多变。理想状态下,在三角进攻中,任何队员都可以在任何时候选择传球或投篮,因此从数学概率上考虑,按照30英里/小时的传球速度,从球场一侧到另一侧进行45英尺的传球,大约需要1秒钟,根据运动科学实验室的Jason Kapono所提供的数据,球员从接球到出手的最快时间是0.22秒。
shot off 投篮出手
Now factoring in those variables, when all cylinders are firing in the triangle offense. In theory, over the course of 5 seconds, there are at least 340 different shot opportunities.
Cylinders 圆筒,圆柱体,因为篮球运动有圆柱体空间原则,攻防期间不能侵犯对手的圆柱体空间,即不得侵人。由此,本文将cylinder理解为球员个人
There are two sides to most arguments about the success of the triangle is the systems and the players.On the one hand, Phil Jacksons system has won 11 of the last 20 NBA championships. On the other, his teams featured players like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
For ESPN sport science, Im John Brady.
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三分钟,看懂三角进攻 | 篮球战术体系 | The Triangle Offense |