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杏彩体育2年前 (2022-12-05)乒乓球资讯35

Playing Ping-Pong (Table Tennis) 打乒乓球

1. Baby, let’s play ping-pong (table tennis)!


2. Equipment 设备

To play ping-pong, we need a ping-pong ball, paddles and a table. Let’s go downstairs to play. There is a ping-pong table in the garden.


3. Singles / doubles 单打 / 双打

Sweetheart, do you want to play one-on-one (singles) or doubles? How about you and I play together on one team against daddy? Everybody’s in? Awesome.


4. Paddle Grips 握拍

Before we start, let mommy show you how to grip the paddle. There are two commonly-used grip styles: the pen grip (hold), and the shakehand (hold) grip.


5. Penhold and shakehold 直拍和刀拍

With the pen grip, you hold your paddle as if you are holding a pen. With the shakehand grip, you grip the paddle as if you are shaking hands with someone.


6. Feeling natural 保持自然

Regardless of how you grip the paddle, its important to feel natural so that your wrist can move freely. There you go.


7. Flipping a coin 掷硬币

Let’s flip a coin to decide who gets the right to choose whether to serve or receive. We choose head (tail). Oh, we won! Do you want to serve first? OK. Then daddy gets to choose which side of the table he will play on.


8. Serving the ball 发球

Let mommy show you how to serve. First, I’ll toss the ball with my non-paddle holding hand. When the ball is in the air, I will hit it with the paddle. The ball needs to hit our side of the table once, go over the net and hit the other side. Just like this.


9. Returning the ball 接球

After we serve, daddy needs to hit and return the ball. Daddy must hit the ball after it bounces once on his side and before it bounces the second time or hits the floor.


10. Scoring a point 得一分

If our serve goes into the net or flies off the table without hitting daddys side, daddy will score a point. When daddy returns the ball, if it goes into the net or doesnt hit our side of the table, we will score a point.


11. Forehand and backhand 正手和反手

In order to return the ball from different directions, you need to be able to play forehand and backhand shots. Forehand shot means hitting the ball on the same side of your paddle holding hand. Backhand shot means hitting the ball on the opposite side to your paddle holding hand.


12. Smashing / slaming / spiking the ball 扣球

When you master these basic skills, you can try to smash / slam / spike the ball. A smash shot means hitting the ball so quickly that daddy can’t return it. It’s probably difficult at first, but you’ll get it after some practices.


13. Now that you have learned all the techniques, are you ready to try them out? Come on. Let’s beat daddy!


微信公众号:你和宝宝说英语(ID: parents_english)






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