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杏彩体育2年前 (2022-12-04)乒乓球资讯47



Chinese shooter Yang Qian claimed the first gold medal of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games with a victory in womens 10m air rifle on Saturday.


Chinese weightlifter Hou Zhihui won the womens 49kg title at Tokyo 2020 on Saturday with an Olympic record result of 210kg (snatch 94kg, jerk 116kg). This is the first gold medal in weightlifting and the second for the Chinese delegation at the Tokyo Olympics.


Li Fabin embraced his inner flamingo with a unique stance on the way to winning Olympic gold in weightlifting on Sunday, breaking the the Olympic record. Li stood on one leg while lifting 166kg – nearly three times his own body weight – with his right leg sticking out in his opening clean and jerk in the men’s 61kg category. Just don’t try it at home, the Chinese athlete warned.


China withstood the challenge from ROC (Russian Olympic Committee) to win 10m air pistol mix team gold 16-14 at the Tokyo Olympics here on Tuesday.


The Chinese pair of Yang Qian/Yang Haoran defeated the United States Mary Carolynn Tucker/Lucas Kozeniesky 17-13 in the 10m air rifle mixed team event final at the Asaka Shooting Range on Tuesday.


This is the second gold for Olympic debutant Yang Qian, who won the first gold of Tokyo 2020 in the womens individual event while Yang Haoran added a gold to his individual bronze.


17-year-old Chinese diver Zhang Jiaqis interview, melted netizens hearts after she won the gold medal in the womens 10-meter synchronised platform with Chen Yuxi on Tuesday. In that video, the teen diver said she wanted to be a perennial champion, and to be rewarded with a Barbie doll for her championship.


Chinas Zhang Yufei had a convincing victory in womens 200m butterfly to win her first gold at the Tokyo Olympic Games on Thursday. This is the second medal for the 23-year-old, who claimed a silver from the 100m butterfly competition earlier this week.



Since the first day of the Games, China has won gold and silver medals in mens table tennis singles, womens table tennis singles, badminton mixed doubles and womens trampoline.


Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha beat their respective opponent in womens singles semifinals to set up an all-China clash late on Thursday. World No.1 Chen eased past Yu Mengyu of Singapore 11-6, 11-8, 11-7, 11-6 earlier on Thursday before Sun Yingsha smashed mixed doubles champion Mima Ito of Japan 11-3, 11-9, 11-6, 11-4. In the end, Chen Meng beat teammate Sun Yingsha to take gold in women’s singles.


Zhu Xueying and Liu Lingling led a one-two finish for China in the womens trampoline final at the Tokyo Olympic Games on Friday. Qualified as the top finisher, 26-year-old Liu scored 56.350 points, unable to match the previous performance from her compatriot Zhu, who earned 56.635 points for the gold.

在30日举行的奥运会女子蹦床项目上,中国选手朱雪莹、刘灵玲发挥出技高一筹的实力,摘金夺银,为中国队再添两枚奥运奖牌。朱雪莹以56.635分获得金牌, 26岁的刘灵玲以56.350 不敌对手获得铜牌。

Chinas second-seeded Wang Yilyu/Huang Dongping beat their compatriots, world No. 1 Zheng Siwei/Huang Yaqiong, 2-1 in the badminton mixed doubles final at the Tokyo Olympics on Friday.


Chinas Ma Long became the first male table tennis player to win back-to-back Olympic titles in singles competition after outclassing world No. 1 and teammate Fan Zhendong 4-2 in the final at the Tokyo Olympic Games on Friday. For the fourth straight Olympics, Chinese men have swept the table tennis gold and silver medals in singles.



Chinas Gong Lijiao dominated in womens shot put at Tokyo Olympics on Sunday, winning her first Olympic gold medal. The victory marked Chinas first Olympic gold in field events. The four-time Olympian set her personal best twice in the final, throwing 20.53 meters in the fifth round and 20.58m in her sixth attempt.


Chinas Shi Tingmao and Wang Han won the womens synchronised 3m springboard gold with 326.40 points at Tokyo 2020 here on Sunday. Chinese diver Shi Tingmao won the womens 3m springboard gold at the Tokyo Olympic Games here on Sunday, claiming her second gold at the Tokyo Olympics. China won its ninth consecutive Olympic gold medal in womens 3m springboard.


Chinas sprinter Su Bingtian made history by becoming the first Chinese athlete to make it to the final of mens 100 meter Olympic event on August 1, breaking the Asian record by clocking 9.83 seconds in the semi-final.


奥林匹克精神:Faster, Higher, Stronger Together


excellence, friendship and respect


但更为人熟知的是“更快、更高、更强” “Faster, Higher, Stronger”,在英文中叫做The Olympic Motto. 就在今年7月20号,国际奥委会在这个后面加上了一个当下逐渐需要被珍惜的概念——“together”.

On 20 July 2021, the Session of the International Olympic Committee approved a change in the Olympic motto that recognizes the unifying power of sport and the importance of solidarity. The change adds the word “together” after a dash to “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. The new Olympic motto now reads: “Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together”. There is more that unites us than divides us.

2021年7月20日,国际奥委会第137次全会批准修改了奥林匹克格言,强调了体育运动的团结之力和齐心协力的重要性。格言在最后加入了一个破折号和一个词“together”(意为“一起”或者“更团结”)。新的奥林匹克格言读作:“Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together” “更快、更高、更强——更团结”。团结我们的力量远比分裂我们的力量要强大。

除此之外,其实还有一个官方盖章的The Olympic Creed(奥林匹克信条),来自著名的奥林匹克运动的发起人皮埃尔·顾拜旦。

“The important thing in life is not the triumph, but the fight; the essential thing is not to have won, but to have fought well.”








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