单纯转载,原文地址:The Most Impressive Female Athletes In The World
多年来,女运动员席卷了体育界。 现在,许多女性处于游戏的顶端,向世界展示了她们所有的天赋。
篮球、曲棍球、足球、田径 - 有这么多运动,通常每个人都有一个。如果您喜欢高肾上腺素的运动,高山滑雪或武术之类的运动通常是一个不错的选择,而足球和排球等运动可以让我们坐立不安,等待看谁会赢。
Danica Patrick
如果您喜欢赛车运动,那么您可能会认出 Danica Patrick。 在她的职业生涯中,她作为这项运动中最成功的女运动员出现在了几次印地赛车比赛中。 事实上,Danica 如此专注于她在方向盘上的时间,以至于她成为第一位也是唯一一位赢得印地赛车系列比赛的女运动员。
丹妮卡一直致力于她的运动,因为她很早就离开高中搬到英国,希望能进一步发展她的职业生涯。 这一大胆的举动得到了回报,丹妮卡迅速晋升,直到她成为一支真正不可忽视的力量。 这位赛车手在多个类别中努力工作,直到丹尼卡于 2018 年正式退休。
Jaqueline Carvalho
成为奥运冠军队的一员是许多运动员梦寐以求的事情,但只有少数人能享受到。 排球传奇人物杰奎琳·卡瓦略(Jaqueline Carvalho)是少数以她的名字获得大量金牌的人之一。 这位巴西国民从 2002 年开始参加职业比赛,此后不仅代表巴西参加了一次奥运会,而且还代表巴西参加了两次奥运会。
在这里,杰奎琳的球队在 2008 年和 2012 年赢得了金牌。更不用说杰奎琳在世界大奖赛上获得的五枚金牌,或者在世界冠军杯上获得的双金。 当她不在场上时,杰奎琳大部分时间都在让她的粉丝了解社交媒体上的最新动态。
Silje Norendal
成为一名成功的滑雪板运动员意味着您必须保持平衡和专注,才能在滑雪板上保持直立,同时在下山时无所畏惧。 这些都是单板滑雪运动员 Silje Norendal 多年来所学到的。 这位专业的滑雪板运动员来自挪威,在那里她学到了与顶级运动员对抗所需的技能。
It wasn’t long until Silje was taking home handfuls of gold medals from each event. All of her hard work has paid off as Silje is now considered as one of the top snowboarders on the planet. Her most recent gold came in 2017 at the Winter X Games Europe, but there is still plenty to come for this female athlete.
Lexi Thompson
高尔夫是目前节奏较慢的运动之一,但这并不意味着它缺乏充满肾上腺素的时刻或令人难以置信的运动员。 现在,是时候让 Lexi Thompson 成为最好的女高尔夫球手之一了。 Lexi 获得美国女子公开赛参赛资格时年仅 12 岁,这使她成为有史以来获得参赛资格的最年轻的高尔夫球手。
This was just the beginning. The athlete earned her pro card when she was 15 and set another record at 16 years old as Lexi became the youngest player ever to win an LPGA tournament. It seems that golf runs in the blood of this family as Lexi’s two brothers are also on tour working on their own careers.
Paige Spiranac
创建她的社交媒体页面有助于将 Paige Spiranac 推向新的成名水平。 佩奇开始上传她在高尔夫果岭上的花招视频,但不久之后她就获得了品牌交易并吸引了数百万粉丝。 这位高尔夫球手从小就参与体育运动。 然而,事情应该是非常不同的。
Paige was a keen gymnast as a child. Sadly, a life-changing kneecap injury meant her dreams of competing in gymnastics at the Olympics were out the window. That was until Paige picked up a golf club as a way to deal with the frustration. This moment changed Paige’s life as she has since competed and won the Cactus Tour as a professional golfer.
Skylar Diggins-Smith
Many female athletes start their sporting careers while they’re still in high school. Skylar Diggins-Smith is no exception. The athlete played basketball at every chance she got throughout high school and quickly became one to watch. In fact, Skylar was named a McDonald’s All-American, the Gatorade Female Athlete of the Year, and the Gatorade Player of the Year while still in high school.
Over the years, Skylar has led many of her teams to the finals and to victory thanks to her dedication to the sport. Now, she busies herself by playing for the Phoenix Mercury who are a part of the Women’s National Basketball Association. It appears there are still plenty of career highlights on the cards for Skylar.
Maggie Vessey-Kretschmar
尽管她在大学期间主宰了田径运动,但似乎许多人低估了 Maggie Vessey-Kretschmar 的技能。 许多人将她排除在阵容之外,而且大多数时候,只有在其他运动员退出比赛时,她才被允许参加比赛。 男孩,她证明每个人都错了吗? Maggie 很快在她的比赛中创造了令人印象深刻的记录,甚至与未来的奥运选手比赛。
This was enough to get all eyes on the track and field star who was quickly invited to many international competitions. Maggie specializes in the 800 meters race and 4×800 meter relay, where she still holds an American record. Maggie still works on her professional athletic career, but she has also branched out with a fashion line designed for track competitors.
Cheyenne Woods
Did you know that golf is a part of the Woods family? That’s right; it’s not just Tiger Woods who has broken many records and become a golfing legend. His niece, Cheyenne Woods, has also been working on an impressive record as she works her way to the top. Tiger’s dad first coached Cheyenne as she learned the ropes.
Now, Cheyenne has an ALPG Tour win and Ladies European Tour win under her belt. One of the golfer’s main drives to do well in the sport is to prove that women of color can make it in the world of sport. So far, it seems that Cheyenne is blowing all of her expectations out of the water as she continues to impress.
Sloane Stephens
Sloane Stephens grew up in an athletic house as her parents were involved with football and swimming. Even her stepfather plated tennis throughout her childhood. Top that off with the fact they lived across the street from a tennis club, and it might be no surprise that Sloane ended up becoming one of the top tennis players in the world.
Sloane showed a lot of promise from the moment she picked up a racquet and has continued to impress her fans ever since. So far, Sloane has earned almost $15.5 million from competitions, while also landing several title wins. Now, her track record is so impressive that many people think Sloane could be the next Serena Williams if her career continues to grow.
Alica Schmidt
运动员经常不得不在队伍中努力。 艾丽卡施密特正忙着攀登成为下一个最好的田径明星之一。 这位出生于德国的运动员多次代表她的祖国参赛,甚至在 2017 年的欧洲田径 20 岁以下锦标赛中获得银牌。她在赛道上的技能并不是艾丽卡的全部。
She has also been tasked with training several sports teams and other hopeful athletes over the years. One of Alica’s most recent roles involved training Manchester United soccer players to make sure they’re on top form for their next game. When she’s not working on beating her latest running time, Alica spends her time building her already successful modeling career.
Emmi Peltonen
Emmi Peltonen 出生在田纳西州,但很快就回到了她的家乡芬兰赫尔辛基。 在这里,艾米多年来一直致力于滑冰,因为她是该国顶级花样滑冰运动员之一。 她的套路和得分令人印象深刻,以至于国际滑冰联盟称艾米是这个星球上排名第 23 位的女子单打选手。
Believe it or not, but Emmi was just two years old when she first laced up her skates and has been at home on the ice ever since. Over the years, the figure skater has competed at several national and international competitions where she has grabbed a lot of attention and even earned the Finish national title on many occasions.
Lindsey Vonn
Some athletes have made themselves at home as some of the best female athletes in the world. Lindsey Vonn is one who has been impressing the world with her talents for years. The former downhill skater competed for the US Ski Team on many occasions and walked away with four World Cup overall championships as a result.
Lindsey is just one of two women who have ever achieved such an accomplishment. Throughout her career, Lindsey set a record with her eight World Cup season titles in the downhill division and became the first American woman to win a gold medal in downhill at the Winter Olympics. It seems there’s nothing Lindsey can’t do. She announced she was retiring in 2019 after a lifetime of various injuries.
Malia Manuel
She might be just 27, but Malia Manuel has been winning surfing titles since 2004 when she was 11 years old. Over the years, Malia has continued to perfect her skills and is now one of the best professional surfers the water has ever seen. Malia was born and raised in Hawaii and still calls Kauai her home.
Being surrounded by water meant that Malia always felt at one when she was on her surfboard. Perhaps that’s how she was able to break so many records throughout her career? Malia was just 14 years old when she became the youngest ever competitor to walk away victorious from the US Open of Surfing. That was merely the beginning of an incredible career.
Louisa Nécib
For many years, Louisa Nécib was everything French soccer needed to succeed. She played as a midfielder who knew what it took to make it to the top. Louisa was so good at her role that she became one of the highest praised female soccer stars France has ever seen. She spent the majority of her career playing for Lyon.
Here, Louisa won an impressive 18 titles throughout her nine years on the field. Her career all started at local soccer clubs, where coaches realized that Louisa had talents that couldn’t be ignored. It didn’t take long for the star to get signed to a major club where she enjoyed many years before Louisa retired from the sport in 2016.
Eugenie Bouchard
She might have been born in Canada, but Eugenie Bouchard now calls Miami her home. It was during her time in Canada that Eugenie learned everything she could about tennis. It wasn’t long before her family realized that Eugenie was destined for big things thanks to her talents on the court. In fact, her father set up a limited company with two investors to help propel Eugenie’s future career even further.
Over the years, the tennis star has had mixed success at tournaments. That hasn’t stopped her from grabbing many people’s attention. One of Eugenie’s greatest career highlights came in 2014 when she was the first Canadian-born player representing her home country to make it to the final of a Grand Slam at Wimbledon.
Taylor Pischke
生活在加利福尼亚会让人联想到许多图像。 阳光,轻松的氛围和海滩。 看起来好像是后者将排球传奇人物泰勒皮施克吸引到了该州。 泰勒的父母都是运动爱好者,她的父亲曾两次获得排球奥运冠军。 她父亲对这项运动的热情和在加利福尼亚的生活让泰勒接触了一项改变了她生活的运动。
She started playing volleyball competitively in college and instantly fell in love. Ever since, Taylor has represented Canada at many volleyball tournaments. Her dedication to the sport has earned Taylor no fewer than seven national titles for both beach volleyball and indoor volleyball. Who knows what the future might hold?
Alina Zagitova 阿丽娜·扎吉托娃
Alina Zagitova 是一位如此出色的运动员,很难列出她所有的成就。 阿丽娜出生在俄罗斯,从那以后一直住在那里。 在这里,她花了数年时间在冰上完善自己的时间,直到她成为公认的顶级花样滑冰运动员之一。 作为 2018 年俄罗斯全国冠军、2017 – 18 年大奖赛总决赛冠军和 2019 年世界冠军只是阿丽娜的部分成就。
我们有没有提到她在 2018 年冬季奥运会上也获得了银牌? 像许多运动员一样,Alina 知道在健康的各个方面努力以保持比赛的领先地位是很重要的。 她的社交媒体上经常充斥着健身自拍和她最近一次瑜伽课的照片。
Hilary Knight
Many athletes aim to walk away with an Olympic medal. Thankfully, Hilary Knight knows what that feels like as she has earned two silver medals over the years. Her work with the team and her skills on the ice mean many consider Hilary Knight to be one of the best female hockey players on the planet. That’s not all.
Hilary has also carved an impressive path for many female athletes to come. Her talents have never gone unnoticed on the ice, so much so that Hilary was invited to become the first non-goalie female hockey player to train alongside a team from the NHL. The only way is up for Hilary as she continues to carve her career on the ice.
Caroline Wozniacki
You know that you’ve probably made it in your chosen sport when you are named as one of the top five earning athletes in the field. Perhaps that’s how Caroline Wozniacki landed the title as one of the most regarded and respected female tennis players? Amazingly, the tennis player won an impressive 30 WTA singles titles throughout her career.
Six of these were between 2010 and ‘11 alone. Caroline was once so good at what she did that she ranked as world number one in singles, becoming the first Scandinavian woman ever to hold the top position. Sadly, we now have the mere memories of Caroline on the court as she announced she was going to retire after playing at the Australian Open in January 2020.
Alex Morgan
Plenty of soccer stars are known worldwide, but what about when it comes to women’s soccer? These athletes are making a name for themselves as they continue to prove why they should be just as recognized as the men. Being such a force on the field means that Alex Morgan plays for both the US national team and Tottenham Hotspurs in the UK.
Alex takes the role of a forward who has scored more than 100 goals throughout her professional career. In 2012, Alex set records as the only American woman to collect 20 assists and score 20 goals in the same calendar year. A few years later, Time named Alex Morgan as the top-paid American female soccer player, largely thanks to her sponsors.
Winifer Fernández
The world first learned about Winifer Fernández in July 2016 after several photos and videos of her training went viral online. However, Winifer had already been making waves in sports as a volleyball player for years. Her first major moment came in 2015 when Winifer competed at the FIVB Club World Championship.
Since then, her sporting career and online presence have taken off. The volleyball player was born in the Dominican Republic and still plays for her home team. Over the years, Winifer has helped bring home several gold medals as well as a handful of bronze and silver medals, too. Now, Winifer wants to make sure the world remembers her for her playing talents and many achievements in volleyball.
Darya Klishina
几位运动员在找到他们想要进入下一个级别的运动之前尝试了各种运动。 最初,Darya Klishina 是一名热心的排球运动员。 直到她 13 岁时,她才发现并爱上了田径运动。 这部分归功于她父亲作为前运动员的时间。
Throughout her career, Darya has found her feet in the long jump. In 2010, Darya set a Russian junior record when she jumped an incredible 23 feet. This was just behind her teammate’s personal best and went on to become the second-best jump of the year in the world. Being just 29 years old means Darya still has plenty of life left in her career.
Maya Gabeira
Brazilian surfers come in all shapes and sizes. However, many struggle to keep up with Maya Gabiera’s no-fear approach when it comes to taking on the big waves. In fact, she is so brave that Maya has a Guinness World Record for surfing the highest wave ever recorded by a female. The record was broken in Portugal in 2020 and stood at an impressive 73.5 feet high.
Amazingly, Maya already held the record thanks to her former time surfing a 68-foot-high wave in January 2018. Most experts consider Maya to be the best female surfer on the planet and one of the most influential surfers ever to grace the world. Her fearless surfing and incredible talents sure do make Maya one to watch.
Alana Blanchard
It takes a special surfer to get an invite to surf with the ASP World Tour. It is an event dedicated to showcasing the most talented surfers in the world, and an honor that Alana Blanchard has received over the years. Even after watching her friend and fellow surfer Bethany Hamilton be involved in a shark attack that cost her an arm wasn’t enough to put Alana off the sport.
She has since gone on to take home several championship titles and land a host of sponsors. The likes of GoPro, Rockstar, and Hurley have all sponsored the surfer over the years. When she isn’t making waves on the sea, Alana is busy filling her social media with her modeling shoots.
Sydney Leroux
Being born in Canada meant that Sydney Leroux spent many years playing soccer for local clubs and her national team. That was until Sydney signed up to play for the US women’s national under-20 team. This was a moment that changed her life. Sydney continued to play for the club until 2012, when she signed to the US senior national team.
The club worked so well together that they ended up taking home the nation’s fourth gold medal in soccer at the 2012 Summer Olympics. Just three years later, Sydney was also a part of the team that won the Women’s World Cup. She has regularly found herself as the number one pick as people fear the moment they know they’re playing against Sydney Leroux.
Christen Press
It seems as though Christen Press has plenty to keep her busy. She is a soccer player who spent her college years playing for several prominent teams. Now, Christen splits her time between the US national team and Manchester United in the UK. Christen plays as a forward, meaning she needs to have plenty of speed and power behind all of her goals.
Thankfully, Christen has both as she has scored more than 50 goals throughout her international career. During her time competing in Sweden, Christen broke records as the first American player to win the Golden Boot award since the beginning of the Swedish League. It appears this soccer player still has a lot to give as she is currently training with her two teams.
Alix Klineman
Standing at an impressive six-foot-five-inches tall means that it was almost written in the stars for Alix Klineman to become a top volleyball player. Alix started by playing indoor volleyball before she turned her attention to the beach division of the sport. The female athlete was named the Gatorade National Player of the Year in 2006 while she was still in high school.
That was before Alix broke yet more records throughout her college career. The volleyball star has seen a new level of fame ever since switching to beach volleyball. Here, Alix plays with the US national team and has won an unimaginable number of gold medals. Her latest came in 2019 at the AVP Pro Championships in Chicago.
Maria Sharapova
当您想到女网球运动员时,您很有可能会想到威廉姆斯姐妹,对吗? 尽管她们可能已经统治了球场多年,但其他几位女球员却紧随其后。 玛丽亚莎拉波娃是名单上的一位。 尽管她出生在俄罗斯,但玛丽亚最终移居美国,在那里她进一步发展了她的网球生涯。
All of her wins means that Maria has earned more than $30 million in prize money alone. The tennis player even walked away with a silver medal at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. In 2012, Maria was named as one of the 100 greatest tennis players of all time. Sadly, she retired from the sport in February 2020.
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet
CrossFit is one of the latest workout trends to grace the planet, and it looks as though the sport is here to stay. People far and wide can’t wait to head to their next CrossFit class as they work on their cardio and weightlifting all at the same time. It might be no surprise that the CrossFit Games are now a hugely popular event.
The games have been held ever since 2007 and take place every summer. Here, athletes compete in standard CrossFit workouts, such as aerobic challenges and gymnastic movements, as well as a host of surprise tasks. Camille Leblanc-Bazinet is one of the many who has made the sport her own as she was crowned the female winner of the games in 2014.
Yuliya Levchenko
At just 22 years old, Yuliya Levchenko already has plenty under her belt. The athlete specializes in the high jump and has appeared at several events around the world. To date, Yuliya’s personal bests are six-foot-six-inches for an indoor jump and six-foot-seven-inches for an outdoor jump. They are pretty impressive stats, especially for someone so young.
Being such a talent at track and field meant that Yuliya qualified to participate in the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, where she won a gold medal. Yuliya later qualified for the 2016 Summer Olympics, but sadly didn’t make it to the finals. Of course, being a huge name when it comes to track and field means this female athlete has some big-name sponsors, including Nike.
Vitalia Diatchenko
It’s something special to be named in the top 100 in both the singles and doubles in tennis. Of course, being as talented as Vitalia Diatchenko means she knows just what that’s like. The 30-year-old tennis player was born in Russia but travels around the world to compete in several tennis tournaments a year.
All of her work means that Vitalia has earned a whopping $1.3 million in prize money so far. As if that wasn’t enough, the tennis player has walked away with several championship titles, such as titles from Wimbledon, the US Open, and the Australian Open. Thankfully, Vitalia still competes to date, meaning there is still plenty of time for her to earn more titles and prize money.
Maryna Bekh-Romanchuk
Getting involved in track and field events means that athletes have to train as hard as they can. Why? There are so many people out there all trying to make their way to the top, meaning it can often feel like a minefield. It takes someone special to stand out above the rest. Thankfully, Maryna Bekh-Romanchuk appears to have what it takes to make a name for herself.
The athlete has been competing in the long jump element for years and has earned several international titles in that time. Maryna is originally from Ukraine, where she perfected her talents. Most of Maryna’s records have been set around Europe, but that didn’t stop her from earning silver at the World Championships in 2019.
Adelina Sotnikova
Several Russian figure skaters have shown they have what they need to make it in the sporting world. Adelina Sotnikova has competed at several competitions throughout her career and has walked away with several titles. In fact, Adelina Sotnikova was named the Russian national champion no less than four times. Perhaps it’s no surprise that Adelina has won a handful of Olympic gold medals over the years?
Unfortunately, her career all came crashing down at the end of 2019. The figure skater had been suffering from back pain since 2016. However, in 2019, the pain became almost unbearable. Adelina was forced to cancel some of her appearances and ultimately opted to have surgery to try and correct the issue. She later retired in March 2020.
Mariafe Artacho del Solar
Mariafe Artacho del Solar was born and raised in Peru. That was until she was 11 years old as Mariafe and her mother moved to Sydney. It was here the athlete fell for beach volleyball and has been playing the sport ever since. In 2012, her skills were so impressive that Mariafe was offered a scholarship for a beach volleyball program.
All of her hard work and dedication meant that Mariafe qualified for the 2016 Summer Olympics, but sadly missed out on the finals and finished 19th in the tournament. That was just a blip. Ever since, Mariafe has won gold medal after gold medal as she dominates the FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour. It seems nothing can slow Mariafe down.
Abby Dahlkemper
Many of us know that soccer is divided into different divisions. Abby Dahlkemper is so talented that she gets to play in the National Women’s Soccer League, aka the highest division of professional women’s soccer in the US. Here, Abby has made her home as a center back for the North Carolina Courage. It turns out that Abby has been playing soccer since she was in school.
She was so talented that Abby was named as Gatorade California Girls Soccer Player of the Year. This was just a few years before Abby helped lead the Bruins to their first ever victory at the NCAA National Championship. Abby has been a part of the major league for four years and has already scored an impressive seven goals.
Elena Radionova
Elena Radionova is such a decorated female athlete that it’s hard to know where to start with her achievements. The figure skater was always found within the top 50 skaters in the world, often landing spots in the top ten. Believe it or not, but Elena was born with a clubfoot. Her father decided to take her ice skating as a way to help align her foot.
Little did he know that Elena would fall for the sport more than he ever realized. Elena quickly turned her attention toward a professional career and walked away with several medals and titles, thanks to beating out the competition. That was until September 2020 when Elena announced she was retiring from figure skating.
Victoria Sinitsina
Ice dancing is one of the more popular winter sports as it sees two people take to the ice to pull off intricate and dangerous routines. Victoria Sinitsina is another Russian ice dancer who has gone down as one of the best female athletes of all time. Victoria currently skates with Nikita Katsalapov, and the pair have won several medals throughout their time together.
The pair have been named as Russian national champion in both 2019 and ‘20. Their routines are so impressive that the pair even beat five-time defending champions at the 2020 European Championships. Sadly, Nikita is still recovering from an injury, meaning the two ice dancers have had to put their career on hold for the time being.
Hope Solo
Hope by name, hope by nature. Hope Solo has been the light that US female soccer needed. The goalkeeper still holds the record for the most career clean sheets in the US, but that is just the beginning. Hope helped take the US all the way to the semifinals of the FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2007, where she only missed two goals out of four games.
The coach at the time, Greg Ryan, made a controversial decision to bench Hope for the final game where the team lost 4 – 0. Although Hope was shunned by many of her team for her comments about the match, she later proved her worth as Hope won gold medals at the 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympics.
Anastasia Ashley
There appears to be something about being a surfer and model that goes hand in hand. That is if Anastasia Ashley’s career is anything to go by. The surfer was raised in California, where she first learned to surf. However, it wasn’t long before she got a taste for the sport as her family moved to Hawaii when Anastasia was just five years old.
The young surfer won her first competition by the time she was six and had a sponsor just one year later. Anastasia loves to show off her passion for surfing all over social media, as well as her passion for the environment. Of course, there are still plenty of workout posts between the life updates to keep fans entertained.
Allison Stokke
Allison Stokke accidentally broke the internet in 2007. A journalist was covering one of her meets when they took snaps of the teen pole vaulter. They were quickly uploaded online and shared far and wide. It wasn’t long before Allison had millions of followers and was caught up in a whirlwind. The photos opened up the doors for plenty of discussions about how the rest of the world views female athletes.
In the end, Allison learned to live with the comments and decided to focus her energy on pole vaulting rather than any unwanted attention. Throughout high school, Allison broke several pole vaulting records. Sadly, her career never reached the same heights as her high school days. However, Allison continues to enjoy the sport.
Lily Muni He
It appears that many athletes are introduced to sports at a young age. Lily Muni He was still a toddler when her dad introduced her to golf. She was playing competitively by five years old. The family emigrated from Canada to the US – a move that meant Lily was able to play more golf than ever before.
Lily is just 21 years old and has played in several local and national contests so far. That was until she stepped up and joined the professionals as Lily is now a part of the LPGA Tour. Lily says that her success so far is thanks to her sportsmanship, discipline, and patience. Thankfully, there is still a lot to come in Lily’s career.
Jennie Finch-Daigle
Jennie Finch-Daigle is no stranger to the world of sports thanks to her long-running career as a professional softball player. The female athlete has helped lead the US to the podium at the Olympics and has won several titles throughout her career. In fact, Time went as far as to call Jennie the most famous softball player ever.
Over the years, Jennie played for several teams, including the US national team, the Chicago Bandits, and the Arizona Wildcats. Although Jennie retired in 2010 to spend more time with her family, she is still heavily involved in sports thanks to her time as a softball commentator. Even stepping away from the sport doesn’t mean that Jennie is ready to give it up just yet.
Ellen Hoog
In 34 years, Ellen Hoog has accomplished a lot. The Dutch field hockey player was signed up as a member of the national team in 2004 and has been playing the sport ever since. Ellen has scored a whopping 32 goals throughout her career and played 127 matches with her national team, but this isn’t her only claim to fame.
The athlete was also a part of the team that won gold at the 2008 Summer Olympics. This was further backed up by silver medals at both the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games. Ellen set records in 2012 when she became the first player ever to win a major championship with a penalty shootout. It seems Ellen doesn’t have plans to slow down.
Zsuzsanna Jakabos
When you think of Olympic swimmers, we guess your mind wanders to the likes of Micahel Phelps? However, plenty of women have proved they can give the men a run for their money – including Zsuzsanna Jakobs, often called Zsu. She is a Hungarian swimmer that stands at an impressive six-foot-tall and has competed at several international competitions.
Zsu’s speed and grace in the water meant she landed the title of Hungarian Swimmer of the Year back in 2005. She has also competed at not one, not two, but four Olympic Games throughout her career, including the 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 games. Here, Zsu scored highest in the 4×200 meter realty. Sadly, she is yet to walk away with an Olympic medal.
Sage Erickson
She was born in California, but Sage Erickson has been surfing all over the US ever since. Sage first picked up a surfboard when she was 11 years old and paddled out into the water. Here, she rode her first wave and has been returning to the sea ever since. Sage and her family moved to Hawaii when she was just nine years old, but she moved back to California a few years later.
Here, she decided to kick things up a notch as Sage began her professional surfing career at 14 years old. By the time she was 21, Sage had already qualified for the World Surf League. This was just the beginning as Sage later ranked at number nine in the World Surfing Tour.
Robin Bone
Like many other athletes, Robin Bone had another sporting career in mind before she started competing in track and field events. Robin dreamed about being a gymnast all her life, but she was forced to walk away from the sport before her 15th birthday. This was thanks to the number of concussions Robin had suffered throughout her life.
It wasn’t long before Robin decided to find another sport to fill the void in her life and eventually landed on pole vaulting. There was just one condition: Robin had to wear a helmet when she competed. Although the other competitors initially teased Robin, she was soon the one laughing when she wiped the floor with the competition. Many records later and Robin is still on top.
Thaísa Menezes
When it comes to volleyball players, many people in the sport have a lot of respect for Thaísa Menezes. That is because she is often considered to be one of the greatest Brazillian volleyball players ever thanks to her many records and incredible talents. Thaísa stands at an impressive six-foot-five-inches tall, giving her a boost on the court.
It wasn’t long before Thaísa found herself playing for Brazil in the Olympics. Her first shot at the games was in 2008, where Thaísa and her team walked away with a gold medal. They returned in 2012 to smash the competition once again as they walked away with another gold in their hands. Of course, these are just two of several that Thaísa has in her collection.
Paige VanZant
Is there anything Paige Vanzant can’t do? She is only 26 years old, but she already has an impressive mixed martial arts career behind her as well as a TV and writing career under her belt. Oh, and she somehow finds time to model, too. Paige really does have it all. The athlete is best known for her time in the Ultimate Fighting Championship, where she competed in the flyweight division.
However, there is set to be a change of pace for Paige as she signed a contract in August 2020 that means she will now only fight in the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship. When she’s not dominating the ring, Paige has been seen on the reality competition shows ‘Chopped’ and ‘Dancing with the Stars.’
Zara Dampney
It appears Zara Dampney has been pretty busy all these years. She was born and raised in the UK, where Zara started playing indoor volleyball during high school. Although she went to college to study for her law degree, Zara couldn’t break away from the sport and continued to practice volleyball whenever she got the chance.
By 2009, the athlete was invited to the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball, where she was part of the first British team to compete for 10 years. That was just the beginning. Zara and her teammate Shauna Mullin scored places at the 2012 Olympics. They were the first British athletes to compete in the sport at the games. They left without a medal, but they certainly made their mark.
Ivona Dadic
Being a track and field athlete takes a lot of talent. So what about people competing in the heptathlon? They need to perfect seven different sports as women compete in the 800 meters, javelin, long jump, 200 meters, shot put, high jump, and 100 meters hurdles. Amazingly, Ivona is one of the talented few who has what it takes to dominate all seven sports.
The athlete was born in Austria and represented her home nation at the 2012 Olympic Games. When she’s not bringing home medals from the European Championships or World Indoor Championships, Ivona is breaking records and making a huge name for herself in athletics. Ivona has been winning competitions since she was nine years old and still has plenty to give.